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[Beginner Investor Series] SHORT SELLING What you NEED to know! [VINTAGE] {FILM}

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A concise, correct explanation? What kind of educational film is this? This new doc is going to be a doozy.

Burt Hagman

I continue to love the degree of effort Dan puts into establishing and explaining context prior to jumping into a complex topic. Honestly, Folding Ideas is probably the best source of explanations I've ever encountered. Also, the microphone was peaking in a few places (I don't know if this was intentional or not).

Dave Ruff

I sense an upcoming 2 hr video on memestocks.


I'm calling it right now. Breakdown of the GameStop fiasco and the following cult that formed.


This is gonna be some Adam Curtis type shit. Seriously though, I wonder if he will juxtapose the conditions in ‘08 and the conditions running up the the crypto crash. I mean there were a lot of warnings and misguided policies implemented that made buying what is effectively worthless securities (crypto) or vastly over valued securities (CDO’s) the “most effective use of money” for institutional investors (until it wasn’t…) interest rates were so artificially low, banks could pull up to the window at fed and get free money to loan. Thing that scares me is crypto took a shit, interest rates escalated quickly and now the people that were exploiting the system seem to be doing ok? Are they? If they are, the Chicago school of economics should be burned to the ground along with everything and faculty or graduate ever had to say. Ever.

Julia Krystosek

I would pay extra Patreon money just to know where Crystal got that dress cause it's great and I want one