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Edit edit: final URL

Edit: there will be a new URL to correct some minor technical errors (typos, some slipped edits) that will otherwise haunt me for years.

I'm bad at doing sneak peeks reliably, but I still need to do captions, thumbnail, description, cards, end screen, chapters, etc. etc. etc. and I need some sleep, so this is a decent lead on the finished(?) video (barring unforeseen problems).


The Future is a Dead Mall - Decentraland and the Metaverse

Clickbait Title: I spent three months living in the metaverse and now I'm starving The metaverse salespeople have a weird fixation with Animal Crossing, in specific. The number of times we saw New Horizons specifically cited as an example of the metaverse was bizarre, like it was their first time experiencing a multiplayer game that wasn't CoD and it melted their brains. Written by Dan Olson and Nathan Landel Produced and performed by Dan Olson Nathan Twitter: https://twitter.com/choice_au Dan Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman 00:00:00 Chapter 1 - Welcome to Decentraland 00:05:31 Chapter 2 - The Metaverse 00:21:35 Chapter 3 - The Dead Mall of the Future 01:06:27 Chapter 4 - Clap your Hands or Tinkerbell Dies 01:22:02 Chapter 5 - A Child’s Vision of Governance 01:38:05 Chapter 6 - A Magic Circle



Lindt truffles are good actually.


On my 2nd watch, great quality work like always Dan. Great video.




KevinOnEarth posted a reaction/response to this video. I actually recommend people watch it, it really gives a very vivid look into the delusional mind of a real Decentraland believer. He can't go 2 minutes without saying something so self-unaware and absurd that you wonder if he is just putting on an act. It starts funny, I was even making a list of some of the most absurd things with timestamps. But i eventuatally deleted it, because honestly, the longer it goes on, you just start to feel sad for him. He really seems like someone who really just has extremely poor impulse control and is so crippingly un-self aware that he finds it really, really hard to form meaningful relationships in real life. Like someone who has an enormous amount of energy and is desperately looking for a cause to spend it on. He really did think that Decentraland was finally a place for him. He is so enthralled by any amount of attention that a few times he seems to think that Dan is actually quietly impressed by Decentraland. He did all those ridiculous things he did for the Decentraland Report because he really did think he was building a community for himself. He wanted this to be real so, so very much and really did want to throw everything he could muster at holding this torch as high as he could. He doesn't strike me as a crypto-grifter, he just has really tragically dumb ideals, and is just a very lonely and chronically misunderstood man. In the final minutes of the video, he is just wandering around his Decentraland house, looking at wall-mounted s and screenshots of his favourite moments and reminiscing about them and lamenting how "people like Dan" simply don't understand. As absolutely silly as all of this seems to us, this was really very real to him. I really didn't expect it, but I really felt something from Kevin's video. It made me think about those about old dead web communities I was a part of years ago, and how those "fake" experiences on forums and games were really quite real in the moment. The people on those communities really were my friends and I sometimes miss them. It's really sad that these old web communities are pretty much dead now, paved over by social media monoliths. I feel like Kevin actually has totally the right energy to be one of those wacky power-tripping mods of an anime fan forum from 2005 whose antics kept the site interesting. It's a shame that something as stupid as Decentraland is one of the only realistic options for people like him now. The link is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6hGJbTWI6g If Decentraland is a dead mall, Kevin is the old man who is sitting at the now-defunct fountain, smiling at his little plaque that says he donated 100 bucks to keep it running 10 years ago.


Super late to the party but my favourite moment of this video was finding out I personally used to know "Seanny" on like a third watch after recognizing his profile picture.