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A pointless retrospective on an internet slap fight that happened 20 years ago.

If it had happened today, barring the fact that Harlan is deceased, do you think it would have been made better or worse by ubiquitous smartphones and effortless video hosting?


Harlan Ellison v Mike Krahulik, 2005

Tasha Robinson’s column https://www.avclub.com/harlan-ellison-vs-penny-arcade-1798208716 Put her links into the wayback machine Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman



I am not sure how anyone comes away with Mike looking good in this, given that he had no reason to post about this stuff online where he knows his fans are going to go harass Ellison. This is dickwolves Mike on full display. Ellison is a weird old crank sure but Mike had no reason to blow this up like he did and he invited everything that followed.


It brings me a weird amount of joy seeing Dan chuckle (still) at 20 year old internet savagery.


kind of sad that an exchange like this couldn't happen today. Video and stream is too quick of a format for responding. It doesn't reward those that need to take time to actually settle on what they think before writing it. Similar things don't happen too often as they begin with a large post, and ended by "too long didn't read".

The Mad Jay Woman

In a rare turn for the internet, I feel better now knowing this. Perhaps it is something in the telling...

Benjamin Zuses

I have never heard the word foolscap before. I fear saying this aloud will summon the ghost of Harlan.


It's been a long time since I looked at penny arcade. Good to know they haven't gotten funnier (although my immature younger self certainly found them quite clever). But I had to chuckle at the irony in this one: https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2024/05/17/muskovites