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What're YOU thinking about?

See, that's funny because "What're you thinking about?" was the default prompt Patreon put in the text box and I'm turning it around on Patreon by asking them and/or you the question that was originally directed at me.



Sometimes you've gotta play Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman


Stormy K.

As someone who is currently on deadline for an article that is barely a paragraph long and has been for the past week, this is #relatable. I hate all the writing advice that says "just do it, every day, no matter what!" because I am a person who likes my ~muse but my ~muse is currently MIA so now I'm just stuck.

Craig Walker

I can only speak for myself here, but watch your content & donate because I particularly enjoy *what* you say and *how* you say it, moreso than *what* particular topic you're talking about. Your topics are generally very interesting (/infuriating), but there's zero chance I'd spend 1 hour delving into Bakshi's LOTR if it was anyone else but you presenting it. So with that in mind, I'd like to say this: please don't beat yourself up over *what* topic you're struggling with talking about, and instead, talk about what you feel like talking about, and then put your usual production effort into that. This very video is a great example: you're just speaking your own thoughts and feelings, and it makes for interesting content. Given that Youtuber Burnout & Quitting is a hot topic right now, I think that there's some good potential for taking this video and expanding it to your usual length, depth, and production values. Caveats: I'm not a content producer, and I don't know the details behind The Algorithm or the economics that it necessitates. Maybe talking about your own difficulties is a bad business decision. (Then again, talking about the reasons why this is a bad business decision sounds like interesting content to me. This is starting to get very meta. 😛)

Victoria Arrowsmith

God I feel you on this. Some of my most satisfying days at work are spent "optimising" spreadsheets when I know I have such more pressing tasks to be getting on with

Heratio M. Salt

I'm thinking I should stop procrastinating and get back to writing if I ever want to finish.

Echoes from Elsewhere

what is most thought-provoking is that we are still not thinking.

Awasky Cromslack

So this all rings different now that the video has dropped.