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The toy integration can be done with the Unity 2022, but NOT with the 2019 version of Unity, where the FD3 is developed. Next, you could say, just upgrade the project!

This would take too long, and here is the why: The Unity XR system (virtual reality) has been rewritten since 2019 completely. I tried the upgrade. I would have to rewrite ALL my rig control mechanics, hand controls, basically everything related with the player.

Meanwhile, I've asked qdot to help, and his final reply was; "I'll let you know if / when it can be done". I can't count on this much.

So my next step is to figure out if I can hire a talent to upgrade the current VR to the new XR. Porting the Buttplug with this one coder to 2019 didn't work out, and it's not his fault. What I need is a fast pass - I don't want to waste tons of time to finalize what I'm working for!

Meanwhile, I've been working with the Asylum head Mistress, and again I managed to find a new way to have fun! Man, this goes kinky... again!




My recommendation is don't upgrade the engine. Outside of the extra time that this will take it will also undoubtedly break something that currently works, which will take even more time to fix/work-around. Release FD3 without toy integration and for your next game (FD4 or w/e) upgrade the engine and plan for toy integration from the start.


I agree with this. It's just a lot of fixing and hassle... but I do have an idea. As a workaround, perhaps you could make the game friendly to XToys' process monitor? If you can hook into the right addresses, XToys could trigger the haptics?


I'm dying here. I have a quest 2. Can anyone tell me exactly what file i need to download in order to play FD2 on it? I have a key, but can't figure out how todownload and play the damn game.

