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The next version is up!

Version 3:


-Override removed.

-New math for the ramming adjust.

-Added Invert for different toys.

-Fixed the wrong-way round movement.

Some notes:

When the toy thrusting distance gets smaller, the speed will increase a bit. This is to prevent the motor to stall due too slow movement speed.

All Feedback welcome!


Version 2:


-Thrusting inverted

-Added simple support for different toy types

-Manually controlled for testing

-Capability to override default min and max depths (0-1) to (-2->2)

-Quits properly


Min slider (minimum depth)

Max slider (maximum depth)

Speed slider (general speed)

Ramming slider (how fast the toy goes from A to B)

Buttons for different toy types (default linear thrusting)

Set Min to slider (allows the minimum to be -2->0)

Set Max to slider (allows the maximum to be 1->2)

Do note if you change the minimum to smaller than 0 or maximum bigger than 1, the animation doesn't match. Just a sidenote, as the main goal is to find full thrusting values for different toys.


Again, ALL comments more then welcome! Help me to make this really good!

Let's say you have the Handy, and min max are -2 to 2, I need to know this! Now I only know Onyx+ 0-1 and that it's inverted compared to other toys.

Second thing;

I'm going to flush the server keys end of this month. After 1st of May, if your scene is rejected, and you are active, let me know! All active ones should be ok.




What I need to create is a setup file for each toy. As the scene identifies the toy, it's easy to implement. Do you guys agree? I can leave some finetuning sliders for more detailed personal liking. Also, there is NO way I can add support for every toy in this planet, so I think the best approach is to take the most common ones (max 10) and focus to make them to work really well.


For "TheHandy" The thrusting is good (the up is up the down is down) but if you put the Min depth 0.00001 and the max depth to 0.2 the annimation is on the lowest when the handy is on the hightest position (with a 0.2 of amplitude like the annimation) the min slider have to be <0 or thehandy is stuk down same for the max slider if it's <1 the handy is stuk up the speed seems to be related the amplitude of the handy, with a very low speed 0.15 and 0.05 min depth and 0.95 max depth the ahandy is perfectly synchronized to the animation (with a max ramming adjust) If i set the speed to 0.2 the handy can't get to the top in the same time than the animation and send him down before it get to the top range If I set the speed to 0.1 the handy go in the top before the animation. (the ramming adjust seems have no effect here) more test with the keon soon :)


For the "Kiiroo Keon" Same than the handy the range is inverted, The min limit define the max hightest part the max limit the lowest part (I hope I be clear here but it's hard to explain). The speed problem is the same than the handy, but at a diferent speed: At the speed of 0.5 the keon can go all the way sync with the annimation, if the speed is lower the keon is faster in stroke's speed than the animation and if the animation speed is higher, the keon cannot follow and "shortens" its range to follow the up and down movement. The ramming adjust seems lightly shorten the range in is max value.


In conclusion it seems you need to adjust the velocity of the toy not only the range and the speed of the animation, I hope I could be usefull....


Russcoff, this is extremely important information! Currently I have a simple math calculating the Y position from A to B, and I know how long it takes to get there. The problem is, each toy brand is different and the motor can be very responsive with one, but lazy ass with another. So the "ramming speed" is how fast it goes from A to B, and we need to find the sweet spot for the most used toys. Tomorrow I'll edit the post and add "invert", so up is up for each toy. THANK YOU!


I had a long chat with qdot, and he admitted there is a problem with Unity 2021 and below. It's now marked as a bug. Meanwhile, I took the FD3 to Unity 2022 and got piled with errors. So upgrading the FD3 would be a nightmare. Fingers crossed!


Hi, thanks, this is a real cool idea. Only I wonder how can I link my hand or hismith fuckmachine with this toy test? Would very much appreciate some "howto" :-)


You have to use intiface to connect your device. Go on https://buttplug.io/ it will explain how intiface works and if your devices are compatible.


thank you for the quick answer and will chec this out.


FD 3 will be so Wizard ! Awesome


Doing my best releasing the new version tonight. One thing I'm still struggling is the ramming speed. This is actually quite complex. The speed is related to the animation speed and the penetration depth. Working on it. Inversion now works ok. It seems the min and max values are always between 0 and 1, so I'll ditch the override.


Hi there, The Handy testing of the V3; min and max value fixed, the Invert too the position is good for the toy !! Then I finaly got the good value Ramming adjust to 0.5 and the speed match the animation !!! But only for speed between 0.15 and 2, maybe because the motor of the handy can't go so slow. (but less than 0.15 must be boring^^) edit: I make more precise data ramming 0.6 with speed value 0.5 to 2 is the best smoothness i can get with a full range (min 0.1 & max 1).


If the Handy keeps up between 0.15 and 2, that's good enough. It's nearly impossible to make this perfect for every toy. I chatted about this with qdot, and there is no "per toy" speed suggestions, so it's just matter of testing.


Ok, seems to me still for "the handy ": Three data are involved -Range (max depth - min depth -Speed -ramming It's the conclusion on my data: Range at 1 (full range) speed 0.25 to 2 ramming 0.5 to 0.6 it's smooth and good Range ar 0.5 speed 0.75 to 2 ramming 0 to 0.1 it's smooth and good Range at 0.25 speed 1.5 to 2 ramming 0 it's a little harsh If i put the ramming up the movement become harsh then smooth again without a real range (just a little less) Maybe with some negative ramming value i can get more smooth result but i can'g get it in this Version (and cursor is not really precise in input all setting in ramming and range is 0.2 in precision)


let me generate a new version for you, link will be in your email. 10 mins to adjust the ramming speed.


FYI, the link for V3 is forbiddened....


By using https://buttplug.io my lovesense edge 2 works fine. Cant wait for some succubus futa content <3