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Hello, everyone! I know you've all been patiently waiting for more information about the future of Dungeons of Desire, so I would like to begin by thanking you all for your continued support through the Covid-19 pandemic. I, like many others, have been thrown off track by the virus and have been forced to rearrange priorities, which unfortunately means focusing less time on Dungeons of Desire. It would be ideal to apply 110% of my attention to development, but sadly that can not be the case. I had originally planned to have an early access version of chapter 2 available by now; containing the first level and at least 5 enemies to boot. Chapter 2 is going to be built from the bottom up, that means completely remaking the combat system, and changing my approach to animation in order to better convey block timing and make everything feel smooth and satisfying for the player. 

In its current state, chapter 2 is not a playable game. I have a handful of animations and some systems partially built, but not enough to share just yet.

After rearranging my development plan based on the pandemic, I am estimating an alpha release in mid June. I can not guarantee anything at this time due to the ever-shifting situation, all I can promise is that I will do my best. 

With this is mind, I completely understand if any of you can not continue your pledges in the following months. I will be doing my best to keep everyone updated on my progress into the next release.

I greatly appreciate the support and patience of everyone in these crazy times. If anyone has any questions or just wants to share their thoughts or feelings, please feel free to DM me or shoot me an email at fatroostergames666@gmail.com

Thank you!



We appreciate you taking your time to gives some heads up about the status of the game, and I really hope that you’re doing great on this rough times. I am eager to see the new features in the game! Thank you kindly and stay safe!


Glad to hear what your plans are for the future. I'm quite intrigued to see what the combat system will look like after this! But most importantly, stay healthy and safe. Better to handle it like a marathon than a sprint.


Good luck on your developments! Its inspiring to hear this ya


So to this point the game still has just one character? Okay. I'll come back in the Winter maybe when there is more to show.

Carlos Menidus

I'll start paying after a new character is added. Looking forward to hearing more from you dev!

Tri Blankly

im sorry to say i dont feel confortable supporting this parion furthur if this lack of comunnication continues