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I'd like to announce the protagonist of Dungeons of Desire chapter 2. You may recognize her from the character selection screen of chapter 1. 

Unlike Beth, Veronica is a woman of finesse and skill. Her sword skills are precise and deadly. She always strikes with confidence.

With Veronica, I want emphasize her personality in her animations and play-style. Where Beth from chapter 1 is brash and aggressive, Veronica is cool, collected and confident. 

I'll be keeping you all updated on chapter 2 as it develops. Thanks for your support!



Tri Blankly

any staus update?

Carlos Menidus

I am eager to hear about the news so far. What’s up?


Any sort of news about the next update?

Tri Blankly

Been a month, any prgress?

Carlos Menidus

I am eager to hear any progress you have made for the game. Can you share any news with us?


Hey man, is everything alright? Even if you haven’t made much progress on the update, let us know what’s going on, I don’t think anyone is going to be mad as long as we know what’s going on.


All is well, though there have been complications that have caused a delay in development, I will be making an official statement soon.


Glad to hear everything is going alright, stay safe out there and keep us posted!


Hey, hope you're doing well man, just wanted to drop another comment because stuff has gotten crazy lately, but I hope you're staying safe and sane through all of this!

Tri Blankly

It's been 2 months since the last status update. I don't want to be rude, but I don't feel comfortable continuing to support you without some idea of progress. i know the current situation has really fucked up a lot of people's schedules, but i would feel a lot more comfortable if some communication was made on the matter.


I understand the frustration. Covid-19 has complicated the lives of many including myself and my plans for the game. I still intend on getting out the next update as quickly as possible, but unfortunately that is not as quick as I originally intended. I will be making an update on the status of the game within the next couple days with more details. I am extremely grateful for your's and everyone else's support in these strange times.


Doing as well as I can during the wild times we're living in. I appreciate your support, and will be dropping some new information within the next couple days!


I'm glad you're doing well! We're all in this wild ride together, and I excited to see the future of this project, and hope that the Covid-19 situation isn't being too hard on you! Have a good day, and stay safe man!

Carlos Menidus

Thanks for the response. I am looking forward to hearing about any progress you have made.


Oh jesus, it's been so long since I saw news that I was worried it was Covid-related. Finally thought to come to this post's comments. I know text posts aren't the most attractive, but if it's been months since patrons hear from the creator, a text post is a still a lot better than the silence of nothing, *especially* when everyone is dreading news of something to do with Covid-19.

Carlos Menidus

Any news about the upcoming update? We are always eager to hear about it, even if its a small one.