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Hey everyone, time for another biweekly update. To be honest, I don't have a very good one here, and I'm sorry about that - things have been stressful in my personal life, and my depression has been flaring up again because of it, so I've been really struggling to keep my work output up.

I've still been picking away at the script rewrites, which didn't go quite as smoothly as I had hoped, but they're making good progress. Since I've been struggling to focus on script writing more than I hoped, I plan on getting back to streams this week, and splitting my time between scriptwriting when the mood strikes me, and working on the level editor when it doesn't. Because of that, I don't plan on having an exact streaming schedule, but you can probably expect streams to start at around 1-2pm Alaska Time.

Aside from me, Orexius has been hard at work doing more cutscene animations. I think I've talked about it before, but as part of the script rewrites, we want to make cutscenes more visually exciting by adding more character animation; even though the rewrite isn't finished yet, we have enough information for him to get started on some of the more important ones, so that's what he's been doing.

Again, I'm really sorry I don't have a better update for y'all. I'm trying to get my depression back under control as fast as I can, and I think streams will help with that - whenever I'm struggling to get work done I always start to feel really useless, and streams/community interaction usually help with that, so fingers crossed that after some work streams, I'll have a much better biweekly update for you next time.

I know I've said it many times before, but it bears repeating how much I appreciate how patient you guys are with us. Slow periods in development always suck, but it means the world to me that you continue to stick with us during them, and it really does brighten my days to know just how much people are looking forward to this game. That's it for me today, thanks for reading, everyone - and here's to a better update next time.


Thomas Zerbe

Take your time! We're looking forward to what you bring us, but there's no need to hurt yourself for it. Do what you love, refresh yourself, and just focus on you for a bit!

Charon Soul

I've been reading your biweekly updates in my email and decided providing you support again was long past due. I know its not much but we're always here for you.