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Hey everyone! Sorry for the late post here, I wanted to wait until I could announce all of these things at once so I could give you a more substantial post than just an "I'm alive and work hasn't gone much of anywhere yet".

So, 2016 is officially over and 2017 has begun, ending another year of progress that wouldn't be possible without the support all of you have given me. I hope you know I'm eternally grateful for all of it; this project is a dream come true for me and I can't wait to see how much it'll shine this year.

Why will it shine, you ask? Well, thanks to this smooth segue, it's time to talk about some exciting new stuff coming for Crisis Point! As you all know, we're balls-deep in The Great Rework™ right now. Many aspects of the game are being reimagined, retooled, and reworked to make for a funner, sexier experience. Unfortunately, my car wreck has put a pretty big dent in my personal working schedule, but that hasn't stopped the gears from turning! Throughout December, I was in contact with a number of people, and while I can't quite talk about one of them yet I am proud to announce two things coming to Crisis Point! First of all..

New background art!


Some of the tilesets and background art in Crisis Point have been a weak point for a while (namely the Summit and Deep Soil), and I'm happy to say that will be changing in the very near future. I've hired Reddart, a very talented background artist, to rework most of the tilesets and parallax backgrounds in the game - he will be working on the game long-term, so once he's finished reworking what's there, we should start seeing some NEW background pieces and details as well! The screenshot up above is the work he's done in the past few days on the Summit. It's still a work in progress, but comparing it to the old Summit tiles, the difference is obvious. You can find his tumblr here - http://reddart.tumblr.com/ - so feel free to check him out for more of his work!

As for my second announcement..

New music!


Up until now, Crisis Point has been using royalty-free music from incompetech. The best thing I can say about it is that it works, but it's not particularly exciting. When it comes to music, if the tone doesn't match it can easily ruin the mood of a scene, so royalty free music tends to be rather understated and inoffensive. I was never fully happy with the music I chose, and nothing motivates me more than music, so now Crisis Point is officially getting an original soundtrack! The composer I've hired has yet to decide on his NSFW alias (or if he'll even be using one), so I won't name him quite yet, but he's already hard at work making new tunes for the game.. starting with the Catacombs, which you can download and listen to up above!

We had a lot of stuff to do after getting back from our vacation, but things are finally slowing down, so work on Crisis Point should finally be picking back up again very soon. Because of the car accident, I still have a lot of work to do for the next update, so as much as I wish I could be releasing it soon, I don't expect that to happen. With any luck I can at least get back to streaming soon, though.

Speaking of updates.. I value all of your thoughts above all else, but something has been weighing on me for a while now. When Crisis Point began, it was a simpler project than it is now, and adding new content was a simple process. Despite the incredible support and money you're all entrusting me with, I'm still only one man, and in 2016 I came to realize that the process of releasing public-ready, thoroughly tested updates every month is an overwhelmingly time-consuming endeavor. If I can speak plainly, I believe the only reason The Great Rework™ exists is because of this process. With the rush of pushing out new content every month, there's a lot of polish work that falls by the wayside; you can see this in almost every element of Crisis Point, from the missing sound effects, to the lack of enemy death animations, to the general room design being very plain and lacking. As the game's developer, it's incredibly disheartening to see all of the potential it has has slip between my fingers, and the eventual workload of polishing the many missing elements just keeps growing. If things keep going as they are, I can only imagine many months being spent purely on polish, with no new content to be seen.

I've put a lot of thought into this over the past month, and I feel that the best option for me at this point is to halve the amount of content updates Crisis Point receives. Before you get too upset with me, know that with more time for each update, they would likely be more substantial as well - not twice as much, since a good chunk of that extra time would be put into the aforementioned polish, but still more content than usual. However, I also wish to note that if this change DOES happen, Crisis Point will be staying a monthly campaign, so you will be charged as often as you are now.

In the end, I leave this decision to you, my patrons - I just wanted you to know where I was coming from before asking this of you.


If you have any thoughts or concerns on this, please don't hesitate to either comment here or message me personally. The last thing I want is to make any of you feel your opinion or support is underappreciated.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this, and for giving me your thoughts and opinions! I hope you've all had a great start to 2017, and one way or another, I look forward to making this an excellent year for Crisis Point!



Congrats man,glad to see this coming along and you chugging along as well,glad i backed this.


Thank you so much! For both the kind words and the support!

Tomoyuki Saito

The only time I choose quantity or quality, is when i'm buying toilet paper. So that being said I obviously am voting for the bi-monthly updates and it seems that the majority agree with me :3. Also glade to see that you now have a more satisfactory composer working to make your music better as I do agree that Music does help with giving a game it's mood and setting. I mean no wants to play a high action shooting game with jingle bells playing in the background or going through a cut scene in which your favorite character dies with the Happy birthday theme in the background XD. Also a upgrade in graphics is always good I guess. It has been a while Since I last played Crisis point so I don't really recall much or anything I had a problem with so for now I shall just scout for the next update in a month or so.

Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

I'd definitely would like to see content released at a reasonable pace, so I'd prefer monthly updates. If the consensus is to move to bi-monthly updates, then I'll adjust my pledge accordingly. I still want to support the project, so I am up to date with news. If the updates slow down, then I feel I should change my support. I've noted the lack of details, so if the future updates have more content that is " fully released", then I might change my mind. I'll wait to see the results of poll and make a decision before the next update rolls out.


I completely understand, and I fully expect to lose some patrons/have some people lower pledges over this. I'm hoping it's not too dramatic of a drop, since I now have several more people to pay for their work, but I truly do believe this is for the best going forward - in the early stages it was easy to push out content like there's no tomorrow, but the further we get, the more the "remaining content" list shrinks and the more the "needed polish" list grows. I would hate for content updates to cease and still have half a year worth of polish to finish before the game was ready for release.


Great news! Thank you for what you do! It inspires! Good luck!! <3


My pledge will remain the same regardless of any change to release dates. I will gladly continue pledging every month. I love what you do, and I realize that to make your releases truly great, you'll need all the support you can get from all of us, monthly releases, or bi-monthly releases aside. By all means Anon42, take your time, and make Crisis Point the best it can be. "A delayed game will eventually be great, but a rushed game will be terrible forever."