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Hope you all are having a great holiday season. I'm on vacation visiting my family now, a highlight in an otherwise particularly shitty month. Shitty year for that matter, but we're all still here and trucking on, and that's all that matters. I wish I had an update to gift you guys, but I just didn't have the time, so hopefully my words will suffice. Thank you all so much for supporting me through this rough year. I can't imagine where I'd be without each and every one of you, it means more than I can say that you're still continuing to put your trust and money towards me so I can make my dreams a reality. I won't forget the kindness you've shown me, and I'll do my best to repay it by grabbing 2017 by the balls and making it a better year! Merry Christmas to all; see you next year! -A42


Paul Rendell

Thanks. I hope you have a good holiday as well.


I wish you a merry Christmas, the author, I hope you also have a good holiday, happy every day, you worked hard.


We were all supposed to dead by 2012 so....Merry Christmas XD


Merry christmas!)))


Good news!!!💜💓💞💝🎈


Though, "I" got something for the holiday spirit. :) <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/7586973">https://www.patreon.com/posts/7586973</a>