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Hey everybody! This took like.. WAY longer than I wanted it to, but v.25 is finally ready for the wild. Like last time, the download link will be in the post right after this one for patrons $10 (and the limited $5) or higher. There were a lot of changes this month, seeing as it was the beginning of The Great Rework™, so let's dive right in and see what happened.


-Begin the great rework

-Implemented Dash powerup

-Implemented Ledge Grab powerup 

-New Force Shot system implemented

-Finished duo BE H-animation for Warped Sentry 

-Alraune CG/Game Over scene added

-Option added to turn off all sexual content 

-Fix more minor issues

Like the last several updates, there are no new areas to explore yet, but UNLIKE the last several updates, there's actually a lot of new stuff this time. First off, the option to turn off all sexual content; this option was added in last minute, and I'm not 100% sure it disables absolutely everything. It should make the game significantly safer to play around other people, but use it at your own risk! For now, the Dash and Ledge Grab abilities are unlocked at the start of the game - the controls are listed in the controls list when you start the game, so make sure you give it a read this time. Since they're given at the beginning, it is very likely you'll be able to skip large sections of the game, since the levels were not designed with them in mind - please forgive me if there are any game-breaking bugs due to this, as I simply did not have time to edit all the level designs. I'm hoping the next update will have fixed this completely, but in the meantime, hopefully there will be some fun sequence breaking to be had.

As for the next update..


-Continue The Great Rework™

-New CG/Game Over scene added

-Redesign old levels for new powerups

-Implement new bullet system and several of the new bullet types

-Reanimate several of Alicia's movement animations to fit her improved proportions

-Fix more minor issues

Next update will be mostly gameplay-focused, but that won't stop there from being another CG added at least. Unfortunately, since it's already the 18th and next month is December, during which I have a week-long trip out of town to see family.. I'm probably not going to be able to "catch up", so to speak. That would leave me about a month to finish two updates and I absolutely do not see that happening. Luckily Orexius is helping out more with animations now, even if he can't go full-time yet, so I'm confident I can get all this done by mid-December, but I'm really sorry I got so behind again. The further along this game gets the more difficult the release-a-month schedule becomes, but now with Orexius helping I think I might actually be able to get back on track, so I'm just going to accept the loss, push v.26 back to December, and focus on making it great.

In the interest of keeping you all in the loop, I'm going to try and make posts more often this month as development continues - I've been really bad about that for a long time so it's time to put more work into it. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again: thank you all so much for your support, especially when things don't go according to plan. It means the world to me that you're all still here, and I refuse to let you down, even if it takes me a while longer than I planned.



-The path through the catacombs "cursed area" should no longer bug out and skip a room

-Being grabbed by BE vines while masturbating will no longer bug the BE vines

-Wooden totems can now be pulled again

-Warped Sentry blockbox shortened slightly

-New Idle pose for Alicia

-Certain things, like BE vines, can now be burned with the Flare Shot

-Overall darkness level of the game reduced

-Light emitted from objects and player is now more intense



"-Option added to turn off all sexual content" What sort of travesty is this?


It's optional, don't worry :P I've been in touch with some youtubers who have expressed interest in playing the game on their channel, so it was added mostly for that so they don't have to manually censor everything.


I was mostly joking anyways since like you said, it is optional. Honestly I never considered the YouTube thing. Usually I see adult visual novels getting way toned back on adult content for the sake of attempting to get onto Steam, since making a censored version is much easier when there isn't much to censor. Either way, I'm looking forward to the game over sequences. Those are fully voice acted right?


Yep! There are a bunch of Game Over sequences in the game already, each fully voice acted. As of this update, we have the Slimes, Tentacles, Soldiers, Scientists, and Alraune. (And just in case anyone is legitimately worried, I have no intention of aiming for a steam release or anything; the sex content in this game isn't going anywhere :^)


Alraune CG? Which one is that?


for some reason it's wayy to hard to get. as in she knocks you down and doesn't try to rape you. she just stands there. fix maybe?


The Alraune seems to be bugged and won't do a H-attack while you are downed.


Same, I managed to trigger the CG somehow but it didn't get past the first line/blacked out screen.


"-Option added to turn off all sexual content " lollolollolol, btw Doom just put out a patch to turn off blood. And demons. And guns. I'll stop.


Also, you can trigger the rape animation strangely enough by removing the futa option in the options menu, but still cant trigger the animation


It should be fixed now, try redownloading the game. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.


Sorry, there were some major bugs that I didn't catch before releasing. I've updated the link, so redownload and give it another try.