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Hey everybody! I wish this update could be the one where I release v.25, but unfortunately it still isn't ready. Soon though, I promise! Instead, I just wanted to point out the new Patreon goals we just set.

After much deliberation, me and Orexius have finally agreed to potentially add a feature that many people have been requesting: alternate outfits. If this Patreon reaches $4k a month and stays there, we'll be adding several outfits (most likely chosen through a poll) to the game, which can be unlocked through various conditions, such as beating the game in under a certain time. These outfits will come with various bonuses or negatives that will make playing the game with them a little more interesting, with any luck!

The second goal, set at $6k, is pretty simple. It will allow Orexius to quit his dayjob and work on Crisis Point full-time with me. As some of you may know he's been picking up a lot more animation work with the game lately, freeing me up to do more of the things I love; namely, everything that isn't animating. I'm honestly not a big fan of animating, so this is a huge bonus for me and would speed up development of the game pretty significantly. The overall style of the game isn't going to change though, since I'm still overseeing the artistic process and making sure the new sprites keep to the same style.

Well, that's about it for me today. v.25 will be out as soon as possible, I'm really sorry it's taking so long - if it takes much longer I'll post up a preview of the next CG.


Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

That would be dope. I mean, do you have a way to chart how your income has been fluctuating each month? New subs, dropped subs, failed subs, pending subs? Shit, I wish you the best to reach your goals. I just discovered this side of the gaming industry, but sexy time video games are worth the cash. I'm kinda paying for porn, but technically also funding a pretty cool project. On a serious note, evaluating your current situation and setting new goals is a good sign for growth. Also, just wanted you to know: Baby, you the best.


I had this game sent into me to play by one of my viewers... they didn't tell me it was a Hentai game...so I found out the hard way. Thought you might be interested to see it Anon42: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoxij0W6P4k" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoxij0W6P4k</a>


Hey man, thanks for sharing that! Hopefully it wasn't too off-putting, not knowing what you were getting into, but it certainly made for an entertaining video :P Short as it was, I appreciated the kind words, too!


He got on his knee and proposed to her. that was good.