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Hey everyone. I've gotten a few messages about the download link being broken, so rather than respond to them all individually I figured I'd just make a post about it.

Right after releasing v.24 I realized I messed up one thing in the update (the crate that activates debug mode was missing), so I took down the original link and edited in the new one. That doesn't show up in the emails everyone automatically receives notifying you of new posts, so to anyone who has tried clicking the link in the email, the link seems broken. The link listed here on Patreon still works just fine, but I might as well list it here again so you can access it from your email:


The password for the archive is: crisispointsept16

If the previous link was giving you any trouble, you should be able to get it from this one no problem. If you've already downloaded v.24 and played it, then you don't need to download it again here, as nothing has changed.



How does one activate the debug mode? Also is the crate in the first checkpoint room the one?


Nope, the crate is in the current last room in the game, deep in the Catacombs. It has a letter on top of it that you interact with by standing near it and hitting Up. You'll get some dialog and afterwards you can access the debug menu from the pause screen.


Thanks for the update :) I love that my pc control work so well, makes my gaming easier so thanks again.


If you have any problem with games not supporting controllers in the future then I strongly recommend Xpadder.


ok thanks ,but my razer xbox pc controller works fine :)


No no it's not a controller, it's a program that lets you map the buttons to what ever key/s you want.


ok thanks I'll keep it in mind ,but the current button configuration is very good so I don't have to change anything thanks.