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Hey everybody - I just noticed it's been over a month since my last update, I'm really sorry about that! Time has kind of been disappearing for me lately. I don't have anything major to announce right now, but given the length of time between the last update and now I feel it's prudent to let you all know that work is still happening. I think I should be able to release v.23 in around a week, if all goes well - a lot has been finished, but I'm still finishing the next powerup, fixing an assortment of bugs, and updating the gamepad controls to be more consistent. Things have been a little slow on my end, still struggling with some personal things, but I'll definitely be able to get this update out for you all soon!As always, thank you all so much for the support you've given me and this game. None of it would be possible without you guys. I look forward to finally delivering you guys some content soon!-A42 


Mark Herrig

Glad to hear from you Anon42, we missed hearing from you(i know i did atleast) keep plugging away at the game as you are able and we will be happy. Your updates always have me excited to try the new additions out. :)

Mari Fox

Heya, I got a question. So I pledged $10 to your page just today after hearin' bout ya from another creator. Will I be able to get this upcoming release or do I have to wait until next month for my pledge to go through first?


Hey there! Thank you so much for the pledge! Luckily, you won't have to wait until the next month anymore. Patreon recently rolled out a beta for instant-charge, and I was one of those invited to it - since you're posting on here, I believe that means your pledge has already gone through and you're good to go! I'm nearing completion of the next version, but if you scroll down a bit on this page there's a download link for the previous update - v.22 - that you're welcome to play while you wait, if you like! Thanks again for your support!