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Hey everybody! Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I've still had a lot going on in real life, but I've got myself an office setup now, and work has finally resumed - at a somewhat slow pace, but work nonetheless! I feel terrible about the lack of stuff over the past few months, so I'm going to try and make it up to you guys somehow. I'm still deciding exactly how I'll do that, but I'll think of something. The idea of trying to speed through the last several updates to "catch up", so to speak, is not only a terrifying prospect, but I'm also worried it would lead to lower quality work, so I'm hesitant to do that. I'm thinking of doing something on the side to give to all of you who pledged in the months with no updates. Maybe a minigame, or an exclusive CG set? Feel free to leave any ideas if you have them; I want to make it up to all of you.

It might take me a bit to get back into the groove of things, so don't expect any streams in the immediate future, but I should hopefully be able to start doing them again early July. Anyhoo, I'm going to finish getting some computer stuff set up, so I'll leave you guys with this CG preview, courtesy of LustFire: 


As always, thank you all so much for all your support and patience! I look forward to bringing you some more substantial updates in the near future!




Hmm... I'm torn between suggesting a CG set of Alicia treating the enemies we have so far as her own personal harem, or a literal run-or-rape minigame a la Demon Girl from Linemarvel (if anyone else remembers that old thing).


Wow, that's one hell of a good CG!


Woo! Booby sex! My favorite! lol. As long as you're putting out quality work, I can be patient. Glad to see you're back and life is getting settled for you. Keep up the awesome work. I do remember the run-or-rape type games, and think that is a splendid idea if possible.


Please don't do a mini-game, please. Don't turn into Kyrieru or however he spells his name and go "alright, I didnt give you an update, so Ill start doing sprite art. Alright, Im behind on sprite art so Ill make a mini game. alright, Im behind on 3 things now so you get nothing and Ill go into hiding" Just take your time to get back on your feet and continue your regular pace, its why we're all here in the first place.


I can completely understand the hesitation. When I say "minigame", I mean "mini" in the realest sense of the word - probably something arcadey that only has a handful of H-scenes. It would also be something I do in my spare time, after Crisis Point work. I'm confident I would be able to do both - however, I asked for everyone's thoughts for a reason, so thank you! I'll make sure whatever I do to make up for the silence is a reasonable size, and won't throw Crisis Point off track.


Thanks! I'm with you on the CG, paizuri is best fetish ;D

James Mac

I personally don't mind, man. You gotta deal with your personal things like any other human being. Just glad to see you didn't die from stress over there! Just kick back into gear at your own pace, the last thing you wanna do is rush anything, like you said. Looking forward to what's in store as usual!


A posted drawing of the heroine nude with a i ❤️ My patreons while she is ahego gape face in a furious orgasm would do!

Kayin Sparkle Twilight Dreemurr

My personal opinion would be either some dialogue to go along with regular sex scenes rather then just some for the CG game overs.


I'd rather see the other enemies in the game get their own cg game over scenes soon. that last set was amazing!