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Hey everybody! Sorry I disappeared for a while there; a few things happened to keep me away from my computer. First of all, about a week ago I fucked up my ankle. I had a nasty trip while going up the stairs and it made it pretty hard to do much of anything for a while. I'm still recovering from it, but I have most of my normal motion back. Enough to be able to comfortably sit at my computer again, at least.

Second, my new office had an ant infestation. Needless to say, working in a room with a bunch of ants crawling around isn't a picture of fun, so I had to evacuate the room for a bit until we were able to get that taken care of (which I was more or less incapable of doing on my own, what with the busted ankle, and my SO has work most days.) That's finally been taken care of though, and we'll be going to lengths to try and prevent it from happening again.

So that about wraps up why I've been away for a bit. Because of the ankle accident, I still haven't been able to  pick myself up a real desk, but I should hopefully be able to do that soon - we have one picked out, we just need to go into town and pick it up as soon as we have the time. Hopefully this weekend, if not sooner.

Now, for a significantly more exciting piece of news! Not long ago I received an email from patreon informing me of a new feature that's entering beta: instant charging. That's right, patrons who pledge (or increase their pledge) will be charged immediately, instead of at the beginning of the next month! This means two things. First, I will no longer need to send out updates manually. Patrons will be unable to see patron-only posts until their most recent pledge has gone through, so I'll be able to post the updates like I did back at the beginning of the campaign, confident that they won't be able to be pirated anymore. Second, this obviously means patrons won't have to wait until the 1st to be able to access the demo anymore. A successful pledge will mean immediate access! Now, this feature is in beta like I mentioned, so hopefully there will be no bugs, but if there are please let me know and bare with me while things get ironed out. I'll be switching on instant charge right after making this post, and I'll post the most recent playable update as soon as I'm confident things are working smoothly.

Well, that's about it from me right now. To everyone I haven't responded to yet, my apologies - since I've been away from the computer for a bit I haven't gotten a chance to respond to everything yet. If I still haven't gotten to yours in the next day or two, feel free to send me another message, just to make sure I didn't overlook it somehow, and I'll respond to it as soon as I can. Thank you all for your patience and support, and hopefully I'll have some game-related news soon!




It seems like there has been a bunch of catastrophes, take your time and I hope you get better soon.

i love gyros

ayy thats neat. Now i DONT have to wait until june.


Question: I just tried upgrading my pledge and it told me it will process on the 1st of next month, is that an error on the website's part?


Old lurker here finally decided to try this patreon thingy,this game seems to have evolved so much since last time i tried the demo its amazing keep it up.Oh and hope you get better soon

i love gyros

I guess since patreon already charged me the 1$ i had starting off this month they're not going to charge me the 10$ i pledged for until next month, so I really DO have to wait until then! Oh no! Unless you havent put the system in yet? I'd like to play the new build :\


I was curious about how this would be handled, actually, so thank you for letting me know how it worked on your end! I turned on Instant Charge right after making this post, and since you presumably edited your pledge before this post happened, I guess Patreon isn't going to charge the extra amount. However, if I'm not mistaken, you should be able to drop your pledge back to $1 and then raise it to $10 again, and it should work now that the feature has been turned on! Let me know if it does!

i love gyros

that idea doesnt work. I unpledged and repledged, still says i gotta wait until the beginning of next month, and I have not been charged. Yup, waiting til next month.


That really sucks dude, I'm sorry! There are bound to be bugs, since Instant Charge is only a beta feature right now and not every creator gets access to it, but it really sucks that it's not working on your end. Next month isn't TOO far away, at least. Let me know if anything changes on your end and your pledge goes through; although, if it does, you should just be able to access the download link from the post I just made. It should only be accessible after a successful pledge at the right tier, but who knows, with the system being in beta.


Yeah, most likely. Instant Charge is still in beta, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are some kinks they still need to work out - my guess is that it won't play very nicely with pledges made before Instant Charge started. Hopefully after this month is over it should all smooth out, since we'll be starting a month with the feature active!


Thank you! I appreciate the compliments and well wishes, I'll do my best to make the game live up to everyone's hopes :)


It's been a little rough, but things are looking up now! Thanks for the well wishes!