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Hey everyone. First off, thanks so much for your incredible patience during this month's move. It kills me how far behind I am on work, and that this update is on the smaller side - much like the last several updates - but I'm really hoping I'll be able to start delivering better updates in the near future. I also need to get caught up so future updates don't also come out at the end of the month though, so I'll have to keep things realistic. Anyway, enough about me..  


-Slime CG/Game Over scene added

-Start work on implementing new powerup (flamethrower) [25%]

-Work on implementing gamepad menu controls and options officially [45%]

-Fix more minor issues 

This is what I managed to get done for this update. The new powerup and gamepad controls are partially finished, but they're not ready yet - the options menu for gamepad stuff is locked off for now, and the flamethrower isn't obtainable ingame yet. I should be able to finish both of those things for next update, though. The main attraction here is that the Slime CG and Game Over scene are done and implemented with full voice acting thanks once again to the talented Diana Lockhart (voices) and LustFire (CGs). As for what I hope to get done next month..


-Warped Soldier CG/Game Over scene added

-Finish new powerup (flamethrower)

-Finish gamepad menu controls and options

-Create more content (areas)

-Fix more minor issues

I'm keeping the list relatively small since I'm still behind on work, but if I end up getting things done quicker I might add something else in. It'll depend a lot on how quickly I can get a real desk setup again; working off of a bed is hell on my legs.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. Sorry for how long it took to release such a simple update; I'll do my best to catch up over this next month so you guys aren't waiting forever. Thanks so much for your continued support everybody!




-Delay added after Scientist' BE vial throw, to ensure other enemies have a chance to reach Alicia first

-Latchers no longer continue to jump around after grabbing Alicia

-Horizontal pull blocks should now work properly again

-Wire shots will now speed up on return after pulling horizontal blocks as far as possible



Glad to hear you're pulling through despite your problems.


where do i go for the updated version?


You could probably have a few more checkpoints, especially in large areas. It's kind of a pain having to do an entire area over again.


Found a few game-breaking bugs. When I tried to get off of a Wire Shot platform while it was going up and got caught between it and the ceiling, Alicia got stuck in the wall. She also stopped moving when I tried to shoot the Wire Shot diagonally and hit a ceiling immediately above me, though I'm not entirely sure about the situation. Third, when I had BE status and touched a Warped Scientist while dropping down to another area, I got stuck in the first part of the H animation. Finally, holding F12 to restart doesn't seem to work.


Glad to hear it. I'm not noticing any kind of delay to the scientist, they're still getting me first despite my efforts otherwise.


Will we be receiving the updated version? : >


I hope your moving is going well enough ,but nice job with the update.


Will people who's first pledge went through for may be getting an email/download for this soon?


I'd like to ask the same question as boboluff

Kayin Sparkle Twilight Dreemurr

Hey, do what you can, we know your doing some awesome stuff and look forward to the finished product.

Kayin Sparkle Twilight Dreemurr

Hey, any chance the slime GO can be expanded a bit? I would have liked to have one for her getting her face played with too...


According to my records, you aren't pledged at a tier to get game updates. You pledged $5, but the $5 tier has limited availability - and right now it's completely filled up. Pledging $5 when that tier is full is the same as pledging $1, in terms of rewards. To get game updates you have to pledge at least $10, unless you get one of the limited $5 slots. Sorry for the confusion, but I'm afraid you won't be getting the update this month. Please let me know if you would rather I just refund your pledge.


I'll take a look at the current map layout and consider adding more checkpoints. Thanks for the suggestion.


Thanks for the bug reports. How did you shoot the wire shot diagonally? The wire shot is only supposed to be usable directly up or sideways. That's the only glitch I'm not really sure about. The others should be a pretty easy fix, so thanks.


It should only be a brief delay; before, they would cancel the end of their vial throw animation to run at you instantly if the BE vial hit you. It should wait until the animation naturally finishes now. I'll look into it and make sure the delay is working as intended though, thanks.


You should have the updated version waiting in your inbox now! Sorry for the wait!


Sorry it took a while, but the update link should be waiting in your inbox now!


Download link should be in your inbox now. Sorry for the wait!


I'll consider it. It's mostly a financial thing, the CGs and voice acting add up pretty quick, and I have a lot of expenses right now, what with stocking up a new house and getting new furniture and all that. I'll keep it in mind for the future though


The link in my inbox says it's been moved or no longer exists.

i love gyros

guess ill have to wait next month :\


Download link is dead, might need to use a different upload site.


Same here


Do we have to wait until the end of the month for links to go out for the latest release if the links break?