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Hey everyone. Bit of an early post, but I wanted to make this now just so everyone knows what's going on asap.

So, obviously, v0.44 is still not out yet, and on top of that we didn't actually stream this week despite my intentions to. Let me preface this by saying that things are starting to look up, and hopefully it will all be behind us soon, but pretty much for the entirety of 2021, Puffernutter (our tileset artist and my girlfriend of over 9 years now) has been dealing with some gradually escalating health problems. It never reached the point of like, hospitalization or anything, so don't worry too much - it's not cancer or anything extremely serious like that - but it has affected the way we both live and work. The past few weeks have been especially rough on both of us, and I'd be lying if I said it was business as usual, I've been really struggling to put out the amount of work I usually do. It's a large part of why there haven't really been tileset updates in CPE, and why my own work has been.. spotty at best. 

The good news amidst all this is that a few days ago, Puffernutter had an operation that - fingers crossed - should be the last thing necessary to get her feeling better. I was really hoping to get the update out before that operation this week with the help of some streams to make the final push, but that obviously didn't happen. I'm sorry to anyone who was looking forward to them, but I hope you can understand why. Puffernutter's health is already improving a great deal since the operation, but she's still recovering, so things might still be a little slower for a while.

Regardless, I still fully intend to get v0.44 out by the end of this month - this isn't an announcement of a big delay or anything, v0.44 is very close to completion, we just need a little bit longer. Thank you all for understanding, and for continuing to support us even when things are a bit on the slower side. It means the world to us. I hope the next update post I bring you will be the release of v0.44!



Best of wishes and quick recovery to the girlfriend


I hope everything goes well c:


immediate family (chosen and/or otherwise) comes first, i hope your girlfriend's recovery goes well! thank you for the update and make sure and give extra care and attention to your girlfriend on our behalf, after all we are all (in a way) ya'll's extended giant weird nuclear family and we want all our family to be healthy and happy!

Sebastian Mies

Keep the workload healthy. I think most of the people can deal with a delay. 👍


Get well soon, Puffernutter! :c


Thanks for the update, thinking of y’all and wishing for a full recovery and better days ahead!

Matthias Zimmermann

i dont know how many agree with me on this, but why not just take a month or so off?


Keep looking up! Prayers for you both!


Dude, don't sweat it. Better well than quick. Just be safe and sound.