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Hey everyone, just a quick update today to let you know that we're still working hard to get the update out, but it's not quite ready yet! The very next day after posting last week's update, I realized that the H-scene code refactoring had some glaring issues in it that I hadn't noticed yet, so even though I said it was basically done, turns out it wasn't actually! Fun times.

Anyway, we still need a bit more time to finish up the update, and since there's not really anything to show off (we're in "finish polishing stuff up for the update" mode, rather than "create new content for the update" mode), we won't be doing a traditional weekly update. Hopefully v0.44 will be out some time during this next week; I'll probably try to do some streams to help usher it along, since most of the remaining work is on my shoulders, and I'm still struggling with the funk I've found myself in. Hopefully streams can help get me out of that, so be on the lookout for those.

So I don't leave you with nothing at all, here's a WIP shot of one of the animations Orexius is working on using that 3D model we posted last week. The shading isn't finished so don't expect this to be the final level of polish on it, but he's been translating some animations into pixel art, so you can get a better idea of what it will look like ingame rather than as a model!

Alright, that's it for now. Sorry for not having a real weekly update, but I hope you understand why! Thanks for continuing to support us, everyone; we'll try to have v0.44 out for you as soon as humanly possible!



Don’t worry we understand!! We all know you’re working really hard on this and it’s amazing that you can get out weekly updates to begin with! ❤️


When are you steaming again? Where do you generally post announcements about it?


We stopped doing scheduled streams a few weeks ago, they happen whenever we're feeling up to it. We post announcements on twitter (@Anon42_CPE) and on discord when we start streaming, and following us on Picarto ( https://picarto.tv/Anon42 ) will also send you an automated notification when we go live.


Got you added on Picarto: what’s the time frame you guys try to do or it’s whenever it happens?


We don't have a schedule, streams happen whenever we're feeling up to it