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Hey there, everyone! Got a jam-packed weekly update for you this week, so let's get into it!

First off, the gif up above. While working on the recolored enemy variants this week, I realized just how sad and lame the Tentacles looked, so I decided to take the opportunity to update their animation! Now, instead of just sinking into the ground, they have a proper digging and attacking animation. There's still a few tweaks I want to make to keep it visually interesting (like making each tentacle dig at slightly different times), but it already looks way better!

I also worked on recolored enemy AI this week, and giving them new/altered behavior for higher-tier versions of enemies. So far, the Warped Soldier, Slime, and Tentacle are all complete! The higher-tier Warped Soldiers now aim directly at Alicia instead of only in a straight line (which you can see in the gif above), Slimes move much faster along walls and have less downtime when jumping and landing, and Tentacles not only dig faster, but higher tiers will dig a few times in a row before resting. I'm really excited for these changes; it should help the lategame combat stay exciting and challenging, even once Alicia's toolkit has expanded!

Next up, Orexius started working on the Slime BE H-scene this week - but before he started work on that, we decided to touch up the Slime sprite, which hasn't been changed since development started. It was pretty ugly before, if you ask me, and this new coat of paint brings it in line with the rest of the game's visual quality standards!

I also plan on sharing a preview of the Slime BE H-scene that Orexius is animating right now, but since that's NSFW, I'll be posting it after this one in a Patron-only post. If you aren't a patron, you can view the animation on other places I post updates to - thank you for understanding!

One last thing before this update ends, about our streaming schedule - I've been doing some thinking about why it is that we seem to miss at least 1 stream every week, and the conclusion I've come to is that a dedicated stream schedule just doesn't work well for me, creatively. I was diagnosed with ADD as a child, and it's shaped me creatively in a lot of ways, and I get the feeling that hard schedules just don't really benefit me, and instead cause a lot of stress and anxiety. 

To try and fix it, I'm going to be changing the way our streams work: instead of a stream Mon/Wed/Fri at 3 pm EST, I'm instead just going to be aiming for at least 3 streams a week, whenever it feels right! Ideally, the amount we stream won't change (and might even go up!), they'll just be unscheduled. If it doesn't work out that way, I'll figure something else out in the future, but that's what I'm going to be trying for now!

And that's all for this update! The rest of this post will be a personal health update, so you can stop here if you just want to read about CPE. Thanks for reading and for supporting our work!

Health was a mixed bag this week. The fitness part didn't go so great, I only worked out a few times - however, one big change this week was in the food department. I've been terrible about ordering out a lot and barely cooking this year (and since way before then, if we're being honest), but this week I managed to go the entire week without ordering out once, and cooked more than I have in the past month. That may not sound like a lot for most people, but for me it's a pretty big deal as it's something I've always struggled with. I've also been managing to eat a bit less, and my weight is finally starting to move downward ever so slightly, so despite the workout failure, I'm calling this week a win - and next week will be even better!

Alright, that'll be it for this update! Thanks so much for reading, we'll see you in the next weekly update!




The new animations look awesome. not be *patronize* you (heh), but remember progress is not a constant stream but can come in waves as well, it's good to hear you are doing better at cooking. Honestly these updates have been making me feel more motivated to start on my own lifestyle goals as well. Peace


Thank you for the kind words and thoughts - and hell yeah, that's the best I could hope to hear! I'm glad that these updates can help motivate you, even if only a little! Best of luck on any changes you want to make in your own life, I'll be rooting for you!


Thanks for the deep dive into the development of the game, I really like all the changes you made ... and also congratulations on your progress in weight loss ...


xd genial las actualizaciones y... respecto a las trasmisiones. por que medio las realizan para pasarme de vez en cuando por ahi? facebook?

Sebastian Mies

A proper tentacle and slime animation goes a long way in this kind genre. Cannot wait to see everything in action. One way or another 👌