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Hey everybody! Pretty small weekly update today, I spent all my time on one major thing this week, but the good news is that one major thing is pretty much done!

As you can see in the video up above, I was working on a new enemy this week. There are still a few minor things left to do to polish it up, programming-wise, as well as the fact that it has almost no graphics yet, but functionally it's more or less complete now!

This guy has a more complex moveset than most other enemies, but it's not a full-on boss fight, more like a miniboss; it starts off being protected by a barrier of crystals (in the video there's only 1, but in the full fight there are 3), and no attacks are able to hurt it during this phase. Instead, you have to aim for the crystals spinning around him instead, and break them one by one. Once the crystals are broken, the enemy will immediately go into a powerful spinning laser attack. Once that attack is over, it returns to its normal behavior pattern, but with less downtime between attacks and with another laser attack every ~20 seconds until it's defeated, making it much more dangerous. Once the barrier is down, you'll need to focus on taking it down as soon as possible!

Like I said, most of my time this week was spent working on this enemy. I've also been brainstorming names for the Crystal Dragon enemy, so he can actually have a real name for once - don't know why I've been struggling with that specific one for so long, but I think we're finally on to something, so he shan't be unnamed much longer! We've also got more work coming from our musician (for the 3rd boss fight), so I hope you're looking forward to that - I know I am!

Last week, I said that Orex was nearly done with the Tentacle BE H-scene. He ran into some difficulties with the climax animation, so he's still trying to finish that up this weekend. Once he's done, he'll be starting up the next H-scene right away, so there should be a solid amount of H-content in this next update even though it's going a little slower than we hoped.

Red, who's the only one on our team that has experience working with 3D, has been working on a 3D model for this new enemy. It's something we haven't done before, but want to try incorporating into our development process - essentially, creating a simple 3D model of the enemy, animating it in 3D, then tracing over the renders for the final art in the game's pixel style. It's a technique we'd like to incorporate more in the future, so hopefully it works out! Once he's done with the model, he'll be working on some more CGs.

And that's it for us this week! The rest of this update will be a personal update, so feel free to stop here if you just wanted CPE news. Thanks for reading!

As far as personal health/fitness goes this week, it went pretty well! I didn't quite meet my goal of working out every day, but I worked out for 4 of the 7 days of the week, which is a good step up over how last week went! Any improvement is worthwhile, so I'm choosing to be proud of it instead of wishing I did better; I'll just make sure this next week is even better than that. We've also succeeded in ordering out a bit less and cooking at home a bit more, which is another good step forward; exercise is only one piece of the getting-healthy puzzle, after all. One more piece of good news, too - our household started the Covid vaccination process this week! We all got our first shots yesterday afternoon, and our second doses are scheduled for a month from now. I'm looking forward to being at least a little more protected; things won't change too much, we'll still be masking up when outside, and spending our time at home and avoiding crowds, but the extra peace of mind helps a lot.

And that's it for this week! Thank you so much for reading everybody, and for continuing to support the development of Crisis Point! We'll see you next week!


New enemy preview - Crisis Point: Extinction weekly update, 3-6-2021



xd cuando estara lista la nueva actualización? todos los dias miro la pagina por una actualización disponible... bueno no es que lleve mucho tiempo apoyándolos pero es que el juego es entretenido, muy bueno. por cierto, cuida de tu salud xd.


I'm glad you enjoy the game! It will be a while before there's another playable update, though. We only just released an update on February 14th, and we release updates every ~2 months, so the next update won't be out until mid-late April. ¡Me alegra que disfrutes el videojuego! Sin embargo, pasará un tiempo antes de que haya otra actualización jugable. Acabamos de lanzar una actualización el 14 de febrero, y publicamos actualizaciones cada ~ 2 meses, por lo que la próxima actualización no saldrá hasta mediados de abril.