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Hey everyone! We took a break after finishing v0.42, and work recently started up on v0.43. Because of that, we don't have too much of an update for you this time, but I wanted to give a general status update to keep you apprised of what we're up to.

Orexius is still working on Boss 3 animations. Like I mentioned at the end of last update, the animations for Boss 3 were still very rough around the edges, and were rushed to get the boss in a playable state before v0.42 came out. After reviewing them, we have some tweaks and improvements we want to make to give her animations more life, so he'll probably be working on them for a little while longer still.

As for me, I decided to spend my time writing this week. I'm going to try and do a lot of writing in the near future; I've mostly been writing the game's script using an outline for the main story beats, and only writing specific conversations as we need to add them, but for the rest of development I want to fast-track the script and have as much of it ready ahead of time as I can. To that end, I'm working on nailing out the last few parts of the plot that weren't finalized (as well as a few minor gameplay elements as well), which is conveniently also giving us a better internal roadmap of where CPE is headed, and what still needs to be done before the game is complete! I'm super excited about the future of Crisis Point; we still have a ways to go before I can truly call the game done, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter by the day.

Anyway, I want to start up streams again soon for v0.43, but they might not happen this week. I want to focus on my writing work for a little while longer, for the reasons listed above, and also because it gives our voice actors the most time possible to record. Sorry for those of you who look forward to the streams; there's unfortunately a lot of work I can't really do on streams, so they can be a little inconsistent sometimes. Thank you for understanding! That's all for me this week - thank you so much for the support, everyone, I'll see you in the next update!



any chance of a gif set update with Lucas?


Sounds good anon!