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Hey everyone, this'll be a real quick update just to keep you all apprised. Nothing has really changed since last week's update, we're just working to try and finish up so we can release it. It's very possible the update will end up just barely missing November, though; we're still trying to get it out in time, but it might release very early December. Just a reminder that if you're pledged for the update, you can safely unpledge and you will still get the update once it comes out - you don't need to stay pledged for next month if you just want to get the update! Of course, we greatly appreciate the support if you do stay pledged, but I wanted to make it clear that you can safely unpledge if you weren't wanting to pledge for another month but still want to get the update once it comes out.

I've had a really awkward sleep schedule lately, and unfortunately this week it came to a head. I haven't really been streaming because of it, due to waking up super late and a general lack of energy. The past few days I've been trying to fix my schedule so I'm waking up at a more reasonable hour; I've never been able to do naps or going to sleep early though, so it's been extremely late nights for me trying to push my schedule forward, and.. naturally that had an effect on development as well. I'm very sorry for the delay this caused in the release of v0.42, but rest assured the update is still coming very soon. Barring something catastrophic, it will be out by next week's weekly update at the absolute latest.

That's all for this week, though. Thanks for your patience and understanding; v0.42 will be out very soon!


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