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Hey everyone! Pretty simple update today, it'll be text-only. The tl;dr is that v0.42 is almost done, and we're just gearing up for release as soon as we can!

The major things left to do before release right now are to implement the Kertalus CG (which I'll be doing this week, the assets are all done they just need to be put ingame), and get the Boss 3 rework to a spot where it's good enough to release. Gameplay-wise it's pretty much there, we just need art assets right now, which Orexius has been working hard on this week. He prepared roughs for all of the boss's attacks, which I implemented this week during streams, so once the assets are ready it'll be about as simple as importing them.

Because we're running out of time in the month, the animations he's working on are kinda rushed; we also have a bit more updating we want to do on boss 3's design, so there is a bit of a compromise happening here. That is to say, the animations and sprite design for boss 3 in v0.42 won't be finalized assets; they're still WIP, and will be improved further in v0.43, but Orex has been working hard and I expect the fight to be perfectly playable at least! It's a lot more fun than the old fight in my opinion, so I'm hopeful that everyone will enjoy it even with incomplete assets.

Aside from boss 3 work, we finally hired a new actor for Lucas this week, so please welcome Leo Greystone to the team! I'm thrilled to have him on board, he's a skilled and experienced actor and his voice suits Lucas perfectly! Because we hired him so late in the month, it's very possible his lines won't be ready before the update comes out, so Lucas might be silent for one more update. I apologize for that, it was my own failure in waiting so long to look for an actor.

We're rushing to get v0.42 to you as soon as possible, but it will likely be near the very end of the month. If you're currently pledging to get v0.42, but don't plan on continuing to support into next month, please remember that you can unpledge whenever you like, and you'll still get the update! As long as you've pledged at the appropriate tiers during the development of an update, you'll get the update when it comes out, even if you unpledge before it releases.

And that's about it for us this week. Thank you for reading and continuing to support us! I look forward to getting v0.42 in your hands as soon as possible!


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