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Hey there everybody! Sorry there was no Sunday update this week, but I hope this makes up for it - Crisis Point: Extinction v0.41 is now released and available for $10+ patrons! As always, the download link will be in a $10+ Patrons Only post just after this one, and anyone that pledged at the $10 tier or higher during v0.41's development will receive a private message with the link shortly. I won't waste any more of your time, though, let's get right into the update details!


-Majorly updated the functionality of both the Wire Shot and Flare Shot (now named Flare Strike); also changed the way subweapons in general function, giving them each their own button for easier access during gameplay
-Added a new mobility powerup, Walljump (still kinda WIP, and will be renamed in the future)
-Added a few more areas to explore in the Caves
-Added two new sprite H-scenes; Crystal Dragon BE, and Torguis BE
-Tweaked underwater exploration to slow down Alicia's movement considerably less
-Fixed more bugs and issues (full list at the end of the post)

The main focus this update was the Wire Shot and Flare Shot/Melee reworks. The Wire Shot especially has been a bit of a stain on the game for a long time now, the original implementation just wasn't fun to use, so now it's been given a complete overhaul and - in my opinion - it's honestly one of the funnest upgrades now! The Flare Shot wasn't really problematic before, but it also wasn't very useful, so it's been incorporated into the melee attack now, and melee has been given a big improvement with a new mobile aerial attack. All subweapons are now on their own dedicated button, as well, which allows them all to be used much more quickly during gameplay - no more fumbling around with a subweapon switch button! (The control changes mean that your custom control schemes will need to be edited as well, so make sure you head to the options menu and tweak them if you've played previous versions!)

v0.41 isn't as large as I would've liked, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be, because of the cross-country move in the middle of working on it. It slowed us down quite a lot, and it's taken a while to get our house in working order and get things back to normal. The good news is we've passed that point; honestly, the majority of the work for this update happened in the last month, after things had settled down. We're working at a really good pace now, and I expect v0.42 to be kickass because of it!

v0.42 PLANS

-Add more areas to explore and secrets to find around the game world
-Add Kertalus CG
-Add/update more H-scenes
-Put serious work towards Boss 3 rework
-Update unfinished and missing cutscene animations
-Fix more bugs and issues

The v0.42 plan list may look rather small, but that's because it's going to be mostly focused around what v0.41 didn't do - filling in more places in the game world, and putting some serious work into the Boss 3 rework. Now that we've reworked the Wire Shot, all of the upgrades in CPE are a lot more satisfying to use, and I want to spend some time designing challenge rooms and upgrading old level designs to make more use of Alicia's toolkit. Boss 3 rework has been on the roster for a while now, as well, but we haven't been able to make a lot of concrete progress on it because of our animation pipeline being backed up; thanks to Orexius going full time and working hard, our important animations are finally getting caught up, so I plan on putting some serious time into it this update! If we don't manage to finish it, it'll at least be very close to being complete.

Anyway, that's enough typing out of me. I'm super tired and ready for some relaxation time.. until bug reports come in and rouse me from my slumber, anyway!

This update cycle was supported by all of our amazing patrons, especially these fine folks:

Katsune Teku
Benjamin Arnold

Thank you so much for your generosity, guys - the amount of support you give us is astonishing, and we're so thankful to have you!

See you in the next update!



-Fixed a minor visual bug where skipping a certain cutscene wouldn't move NPCs and Alicia into the proper post-cutscene positions
-Fixed bug that caused slimes to sometimes clip into the ceiling if meleed while on a sloped ceiling
-Fixed a bug that caused the amount of guard/power orbs you collected to not be saved or loaded, but the collectibles were still removed from the game permanently
-Fixed a bug that caused Torguis' to not decelerate during their stagger animation, causing them to shoot off into the distance if they were staggered while running after the player
-Crystal Dragon now has properly-shaped hurtboxes on attack animations
-It is now possible to press the Jump key to skip libido and BE animations, like with other H-scenes
-Warped Sentries no longer cancel their "fallen" animation when the player melee attacks them while they're knocked over
-Basic destructible blocks can now be destroyed with melee as well as bullets
-Fixed a bug preventing Boss 1 (and his projectile rocks) from being damaged by melee attacks
-Fixed a bug preventing the shine effect when a Force Shot charge was gained
-Fixed a bug where Scientist's BE vials didn't give Alicia i-frames
-Reworked 'coated' animation to no longer slow Alicia down and lower mobility, but to instead temporarily restrain her completely (but she can now struggle out of it faster)
-Cumshooter no longer causes animation bugs when Alicia has torn clothing
-Status menu now properly displays Alicia's attack and defense percentages, allowing you to track how many Power Orbs and Guard Orbs you've collected
-Fixed a bug where Female Torguis, and the Warped Sentry death animation, were not censored when the game was in SFW mode
-Crystal Dragon suck animation can no longer pull you in during an H-scene with another enemy
-Greatly increased the speed at which the Crystal Dragon pulls you in
-Finally fixed a missing room inbetween one of the transitions from Caves and Summit
-Fixed a level design issue where it was possible to softlock yourself by doing a very precise jump to get over the wall to the left of the Kilogrip upgrade, before grabbing Kilogrip
-Reduced damage dealt by melee to maintain balance after other melee improvements, but made certain enemies (like Slimes) more susceptible to melee damage
-Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when entering an H-scene with a gallery enemy shortly after respawning during a gameplay H-scene
-Slightly boosted damage of Auto Shot (from 0.75 to 0.85)
-Boosted size of Heavy Trigger projectiles (from, 1.15 to 1.25)
-Boosted damage of Seeker Shot (from 0.5 to 1.0)
-Warped Sentries now take double damage from any attacks while they are knocked over, and their knocked over state lasts a bit longer
-Slightly boosted damage of the starting blaster type (from 1.8 to 2.0)
-Added an Extra Credits screen to the end-of-demo menu, displaying licensed audio credits

-Reduced some enemy HP values:
Warped Soldiers (from 20 to 14)
Edovex (from 4 to 3)
Cumshooters (from 8 to 6)
Lurker (from 20 to 15)
Kertalus (from 44 to 35)
Crystal Dragon (from 80 to 60)


Crisis Point: Extinction v0.41 feature trailer (18+ Adults Only Metroidvania)

This brief video showcases some of the major features added in v0.40 of Crisis Point: Extinction, our Adults Only Patreon-funded Metroidvania! You can find out more about the game, and support the development, here: https://www.patreon.com/Anon42 You can go to either of these links to try the free public demo: https://anon42.itch.io/crisis-point-extinction-2019-public-demo https://gamejolt.com/games/cpe/415336 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anon42_CPE



I was so anxious for this! It's a shame that now it's too late in my timezone to play it now, but tomorrow I gonna spam you with some feedback, like always.


The combat feels way more responsive with these changes! You’re doing amazing work and I wish you all in the team a hug!