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Hey everybody, time for another CPE weekly update! This'll be a short one, development on v0.41 is getting close to the end so there's not much left to show for this update cycle. Right now it's mostly bugfixes, and finalizing things that have been shown off previously.

All I'll really be showing off today is the Wire Yank animation again, but this time, with the pillars instead of the Warped Sentry. This time, I want to show off a comparison between the old version and the new one.



As you can see, not only is the new animation way quicker, it's also much more visually interesting - instead of Alicia standing still while the pillars gets slowly dragged (which also left you open to attack if any enemies were nearby, which would cancel the animation), she yanks it back forcefully, with a trail of dust kicking up underneath it as it slides up to the wall. The sound effects are similar to the old version, but the new pacing of the animation ended up making it sound really satisfying too, but unfortunately a .gif can't really show those off.

Overall I'm SO much happier with the way it looks now! This is a change I've wanted to make for ages, but we never had the capacity to add a yanking animation before Orexius started working full time, as our animations were already so backed up. You can be absolutely certain that this improvement only happened because of all of your support and pledges, we never would've had the time before! I know this isn't the most exciting addition in the world, but I personally think it's little details like this that really make a game special, so I'm stoked to finally be able to add some of these bells and whistles I've wanted to do for so long.

Alright, that's all the visual stuff for this update. Like I mentioned in the opening, I've been mostly focused on bugfixes and wrapping up everything for this update; it's taking a while because of how many mechanics were changed this time around, so the game needs a much more thorough playtest than normal to ensure there's no really bad bugs. Due to that (and our move) there's not much NEW content this time, but I think it'll be well worth it in the long run.. especially because it's actually worth using the Wire Shot in our level design, now. I might even end up tweaking earlier level designs to make more use of it at some point.. but that's for another update.

Thanks for reading, everybody, and I hope you're looking forward to v0.41! I currently expect to release it sometime this week, or early next week, if everything goes according to plan.



This looks great. It can also be done with enemies or aerial platforms

Nasho Zava

Ohhhhhh Nice :)