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Hey everybody! This week, I have good news at last: our computers have all arrived at our new house, and we're more or less ready to get back to normal! There's going to be a bit of an adjustment period, we're still getting used to our new lives and office setup, plus we still have loads of work to do around the house. Streams will begin again very soon, though!

Because of the timezone change, our stream times will be shifting - right now I think I want to try starting at 5 pm EST (1 pm in my new timezone, but I'll continue labeling stream times in EST for consistency's sake). We won't be streaming today, and for the time I don't want to schedule stream days ahead of time since we're still getting used to the new place and still have so many chores to do, but I DO want to try and stream at least few times throughout the next week. If you aren't following me on Picarto, you can keep an eye on our Discord and my Twitter for notifications when we go live.

As you might imagine, the move will most likely mean v0.41 won't be coming out this month. It's a smaller update in general, but I was out of commission for pretty much a full month there, so I still have loads to do. I plan on working as hard as I can to get it out, so at the worst I expect to be able to release v0.41 in early September. I'll keep you all apprised if anything changes on that front.

For now though, that'll be all for this update! I do want to thank you all SO MUCH for continuing to support us during this process - it's been incredibly frustrating to not have any game updates to give you all during this move, and I'm sure it's been equally frustrating for all of you to have to wait so long for progress to start again; a move in the best of times is already hard enough, but the pandemic and the sheer distance of the move made this one even more hellish. We're finally settling in though, and I can't wait to get back to creating!


Nasho Zava

help I can't find the object that makes me move up fast


HUZZAH INDEED! lol. I hope it was a good move and want you and your team needed and you're in a better place and environment. Glad everything worked out and you guys are excited to start up development again.