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Hey everyone, this is just going to be a very quick update. I wasn't going to post today since we have so much to do for the move and nothing development-wise to update with, but I came to the realization today that it'll actually be a bit longer than expected before I can get back to regular work on Crisis Point, so I felt the need to update you all for transparency's sake.

We shipped our computers via USPS yesterday, and were told that USPS will only ship computers via ground transport, not air. Because of that, the computers will take a lot longer to arrive than we planned on (the estimate is August 10th). At first I thought that wouldn't be a big deal, since I was going to be building a new computer in Alaska anyway, and all of the parts have already been ordered, so I could build the new PC within a day or two of arrival.. but this morning I realized that the new computer doesn't actually have a GPU. We have 3 GPUs, and we were going to be reusing one of them in the new computer; two of them are in the computers that were shipped, and the remaining one is in the trunk of Puffernutter's car, which was shipped a while ago but has a very long travel time, so it probably won't arrive until around the same time the computers arrive anyway.

TL;DR - We won't have real computers until probably the 10th of August. I'm going to try to get some work done anyway after we're done moving, but it'll be on my crappy old laptop, without a proper setup, so there won't be any streams and I won't be able to work at the same pace as usual.

I'm so sorry to anyone who was excited for updates to resume regularly soon; I'll do my best to get things back to normal, I'm supremely anxious about getting back to work on CPE, but short of shelling out more money to buy a temporary GPU during an already extremely expensive move, there's not really anything I can do to get a proper PC setup any quicker.



Well with everything going around I find a lot of tansit times through any post are going to have extended arrival times, (unless you to cough up ALOT of coin to rush it), it's a set back you have no control over so no biggie. I hope you and your team are doing well, ive been slammed with work and planning on doing better things in my life but also trying to reduce stress. I cannot fathom how one goes on developing and the stress it has with it. Cheers Anon keep at it and have fun with it.

Broderick Black

I remember when I painstakingly edited a YouTube video on a Dell latitude 620. Running Xp with only 4 gb of ram it was a good life lesson but a painful process. I encourage you as least you're probably not dealing with a 620 and probably have a better labtop than I did. So remember that better times our ahead and grin while you through this process wish well to you and the team as always be careful.

Ket Ralus

CPE is one of the best h-games I've played. I think you'll be OK taking a hiatus from development. In the meantime, try to relax!


Moving to another place is always accompanied by some inconveniences. It's okay ... take your time