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Hey everybody! This is another small weekly update, I've spent most of my week working on the move. The time I did spend on CPE was either working on the Wire Shot rework and fixing up some of the bugs in the new system, planning new things for the future, adding in the new music our musician has sent me, or updating the Status Menu!

In case you don't remember what the status menu looked like before, here's a screenshot of the old menu:

The difference lies purely in the description boxes; in the old system, each portion of the menu had its own description box (and in the case of the blaster chips in the upper right, when you were in that menu it partially covered up the skills menu).

I always thought this was really awkward and unintuitive; in the screenshot above, the Force Shot and Health Enhancer descriptions are showing, but there's no indication on the UI that the Force Shot and Health Enhancer are even being highlighted. The limited space also meant the text had to be SUUUPER SMALL, making it difficult to read even when you're relatively close to the screen. I was never happy about it, and now I've finally had the time to rework the underlying code a bit and make it more consistent! Now, it only shows the description of the specific thing you're highlighting (the Basic Shot, in the screenshot up above), and the extra space allows me to make the text much larger; plus, looking at the blaster chips no longer causes an additional UI popup to cover up part of the Skills section. All in all I'm much happier with it than before, I'm really not sure what the intention was behind the original design.

Alright, that's (unfortunately) all I have to show this week. The move is proceeding well; I can't remember if I mentioned it before, but our flight is scheduled for late July, so we'll be in our new house and starting to get settled in just before August. Until then, things will likely continue to be slow, and I apologize for that! It will probably take a bit of time before things get back to normal even after that, since we'll be settling into a new home and new routine, but at the very least I plan on starting up streams again as soon as we're settled in enough to do it.

Thank you all for understanding the smaller updates, and for continuing to support us - it means the world to us! We'll see you in the next update!




Is it possible that you translate the game into Spanish?


Hopefully someday! We don't have any languages decided on yet, so I can't guarantee we'll be translating to spanish specifically, but I do want to translate the game if possible. It won't be until the game is near complete, though - during development it will be english only, I'm afraid.


Tell me where the mod is for a high jump. And you can move something that beats current in front of the ledge where Nada jump that would take the second part of the access key it stands in a tight to the ledge.