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Hey everyone, this is gonna be a text-only update, sorry ahead of time for that.

This week has been kinda weird, to be honest. Those of you who watch our devstreams probably noticed I didn't stream at all this week; my sleeping schedule got super messed up (which is why this post is being written at somewhere around 8 in the morning, and I'm going to sleep after writing it instead of writing it when I wake up in a few hours like usual). I've been in a bit of a funk in general, and I'm still working through it; I think it's just stress from all the upcoming events and changes, between Orexius going full time, preparing a cross-country move in the near future, and a multitude of other things. It was a slow week in general because of that, but rest assured we are getting work done, it's just not really anything showy.

This week I mostly worked on level design, wrote the CG scene for the Kertalus, and worked on a new tileset that I won't be revealing publicly for spoiler reasons. I also jammed out some ideas for the Boss 3 rework we'll be doing in the future, so I'm starting to get an idea of how I want the encounter to go. Oh yeah, I also thought up and planned out an idea for a big improvement to an old upgrade in Crisis Point that I was never really happy with.. not gonna reveal specifics on that yet, but I plan to make the upgrade a part of v0.41, and I'm really excited for the change, as it'll fix what I consider to be a big flaw with the game.

Puffernutter continued working on the above-water Subaquatic Caverns background, which is coming along nicely, but didn't make enough progress to warrant showing off compared to last week. Red is putting the finishing touches on the Torguis CG, so that'll be in this coming update - I'm hoping he can finish the art for the Kertalus CG I just wrote as well, but no idea if that'll happen yet. Orexius did what work he could on the Crystal Dragon H-scene climax, but his dayjob has been running him ragged since he's leaving soon, so it's slow going for the time being. He'll be going full time with us in another week, though, and that'll be a thing of the past.

As a final note; in a general sense, the development of v0.40 isn't going to be super exciting. A lot of this update is finishing up stuff from v0.39 that I wasn't able to get done in time, so it's a smaller update than the last few in terms of "new" things. I mentioned as much in my last update though, that v0.40 and v0.41 are likely to be somewhat compromised thanks to all the real life events going on. Hopefully bringing Orexius on board full time will make up for that, though, we have plenty of H-scenes we still need to implement after all.

Anyway, that's enough out of me for this week. Sorry again for the somewhat lame update; hopefully I'll be able to stream again and we can get a more exciting update for next week's. After that, Orex will be going full time, so things should hopefully improve on the "visual updates" side of things. Until then, thanks for reading, and see you in the next update!



Yes, stress and tension is understandable. The main thing is not to strain yourself too much. Let everything go as it should.


after taking a look at the Gallery demo im really liking your work my guy. keep up the good work. i