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Hey everyone! It's looking likely we might be able to hit $4000 in pledges soon - thank you all so, so much for supporting us and getting us to this point where it's a possibility! Since it's very possible we'll hit that point soon, I want to take a minute to clarify some stuff about our goals - most of this applies to all of our goals, but I'll be talking about the $4k one specifically right now.

First off, the most important thing - if we do hit $4k, that does not mean we'll be instantly dropping everything and adding the modular outfit! On the contrary, it will be a while before we can devote the time to it - to be honest, I kinda messed up by putting modular costumes as a goal before Orexius going full-time, as we really need him to have more time to work on the game before we can make something like that happen easily. That being said, I don't want to be the kind of creator who silently erases/moves a goal just before hitting it because I realized it was out of scope, so I am going to commit to it if we hit the goal and stay there, it'll just be a while before we can work on it.

There's also the possibility of us only meeting the goal temporarily, and I want to clarify that if we only hit $4k briefly, and then drop below $4k, the modular costumes will not be added yet. Chances are high that, unless we hit Orexius going full-time, we'll need to hire another animator to help pick up the slack, and that means we'll need to consistently have the extra cash to pay them. Hopefully this won't end up being a problem and once we hit $4k we'll stay there, but I wanted to clarify it just in case.

Lastly, while I'm ahead of myself, I am going to be moving the goals for Orexius going full-time and adding additional costumes. I've realized that the amount of funding we would need to make those happen is higher than I originally thought they would be, and so I want to change them well ahead of time now to avoid anybody feeling potentially cheated down the road. In the interest of full disclosure, the goals were previously set to $5k for Orexius going full-time, and $6k for additional costumes, and those have been raised to $6k for Orexius going full-time and $8k for additional costumes, as my own financial needs have gone up recently and I want to make sure the numbers are actually feasible for us. Please let me know if this decision upsets you; I'd be happy to sit down with anyone and try to help understand why the goals were raised.

Alright, I think that's more or less all I had to say. Thanks for reading and understanding, everybody - it means the world to me! Regular updates will resume soon <3



You know, as long as you don‘t start working on another project before this one is finished (#Fenoxo), I‘ll gladly support you even if you miscalculate your goals. :*


It's worth noting that I do often tinker with other projects, some of which are related to games I'm planning on doing in the future, but I never do it at the expense of Crisis Point development, more when I need a creative break from the demands of such a lengthy development process :p Thank you for the kindness and understanding!


I've always thought adding costume module will be very risky job, which makes the project never ending story. You should consider it seriously or the whole plan would be ruined I guess.


I have considered it seriously, this isn't a goal I just threw up with no forethought. It will definitely add lots of animation work, and that's the main reason it will be a while before we focus on it - but while it will certainly take time to program it and design UI elements and such, the animation work is the biggest part, and it's absolutely nowhere near enough work to cause the project to never end, especially because (as stated in the description of the goal) we only plan on implementing it for her main costume, and not any extra costumes. We figured we would hit the goal eventually, so we've been preparing and planning for it for a long time, such as having Orexius animate with layers so it's easier to separate individual pieces of the outfit. I understand your concern, but I would've removed the goal entirely a long time ago if I thought it was something we couldn't do.