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Hey everybody! Wanted to make a quick update to let you all know what's going on with us since v0.34 went live.

First off, we've officially implemented the new tier! Priced at $30, it's essentially there for those of you who want to support us even more while getting a small bonus for it, in the form of shoutouts within each playable update, and in the public post we make along with the playable update. I wanted to make sure nobody would feel like they were majorly missing out if they can't or don't want to pledge that much, but would be a nice bonus to anyone generous enough to. I might lower the price in the future if it seems like too much, but for now this is what we're going with.

Aside from that, since the hotfix for v0.34 seems pretty stable, my work in the past week or so has been on updating the public demo - the Spooky Starlets crossover will be added to the public demo, along with a host of bugfixes, sometime later this week, along with a marketing push. We've also been updating our itch.io page, which is where I plan on releasing the updated public demo, rather than using dropbox, as I've heard dropbox does indeed have a bandwidth cap and I'd rather not risk hitting that.

Development of v0.35 hasn't started officially yet, but I plan on starting it as soon as we're done with everything else, which should be very soon. Once that starts up, I really want to start getting back to doing development livestreams, hopefully 2-3 times a week at least. Puffernutter will be joining me on those streams, along with Orexius whenever he's available. I'll have a more solid schedule for you in the near future, but it'll likely be around midday.

Anyway, that's enough outta me for this week. If you have any questions about the new tier or anything else, feel free to leave a comment below or DM me!  Thanks for reading, everybody!


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