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Hey everybody! This update is gonna be a really small one - there's really not much left for me to say about this update at this point, as we're working hard on finishing everything up, which involves a lot of uninteresting behind the scenes stuff and finalizing things that I've already talked about in previous updates. In the interest of not leaving you guys with nothing at all, take a look at the image up above, where you can read the Bestiary entry for the Thornweeds! Right now it's the only Bestiary entry that's finished (though I plan on adding a little more to it once I get the time to implement a scrollbar to the text entry), and because of how much I still need to get done elsewhere, not all of the things listed there will have descriptions yet, but I plan on trying to add a few more between now and the release.

Alright, that's it for this week. Again, very small update, I'm sorry about that - I just don't have much more visual stuff to show off right now, and I gotta get back to working on finishing the update rather than trying to cobble together a more impressive weekly update, I hope you guys understand! With any luck this update will be done this week and there won't be another crappy update next Sunday :' )



Good luck(*^^*)


Just wanted to ask. Is the old direction of CG entirely gone from the game and is there any plan to re-implement them later on? If not what was the thought process behind this decision? Thanks.


By "the old direction", do you mean the old artist or the old non-consensual scenes? If you're talking about the old artist, they were no longer able to continue working on the game, and their scenes are being reworked for artistic consistency. If you mean the change in context, the thought process was that I wanted to get away from non-consensual H-content, both because that type of content is banned from Patreon and because I don't personally enjoy it and I've been wanting to change it for years, long before it was banned on Patreon. The only reason we ever used it in the first place was because I didn't put much thought into it when starting development, and I just copied how every other H-game does it - the further I got into development, the more unhappy I was with it, so now it's been changed to comply with Patreon ToS and because I am personally much happier with it. EDIT: Sorry, this may have been obvious based on what I said, but I realized I forgot to explicitly clarify it, so I'll just edit this now to say no, the old CGs are not coming back at any point, due to all of the reasons listed above.