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Hey everybody, time for another CP:E weekly development update! This week is pretty light on the visual department, much like other recent updates - there's just not much more to show off visually for this update.

First off, here's a little teaser of that secret 2nd CG I mentioned a few updates ago! Some of you might recognize the second girl, in which case it won't be hard to put two and two together. And no, Alicia won't have a demon/succubus transformation, no matter what this image teaser might make you think. I also want to mention that this CG will be added to the public demo as well, alongside a bugfix update, sometime in early May, but $10 Patrons will get access to it first in the upcoming v0.34. A lot of my work this week has actually been related to this and the Lurker CG, too - picking out takes from our actors, editing the audio, and getting it all put together ingame. On the subject of audio, I also went back and had Rodriguez' actor record a slightly altered line in one of the early cutscenes - there was a line that stood out a bit and seemed untrue, and it was bugging me for a while, so I finally altered it this week. Not a particularly big development, but hey, trivia is fun.

Aside from that, this week I spent time taking the Database mockup from last week and turning it into an actual in-game menu. I think for now I'm just going to put it in the Options menu, to keep things simple, but I really want to figure out a good place to put it, I'm just not sure where it'd fit best yet. In any case, I'm not sure if I've detailed the Database menu yet, so let's get into that a bit shall we? The Database menu will be used for all sorts of things - as I've detailed before, you'll find Data Discs while exploring the game, and each one will open up new entries in the Database, from things like enemy lore entries, re-viewing cutscenes (that feature won't be implemented for a while), re-viewing one-time-only CGs, etc. I'm not sure if I want to make enemy lore entries unlocked via Data Discs, by defeating them, by watching their CGs, or even some other way I haven't come up with yet - maybe I'll hold a poll on that one?

Aside from that, right now, we're mostly focused on trying to finish up all of the things that have been mostly implemented but not quite finished in this update, to bring everything to a publicly playable state. To get this update out in April, I'll definitely end up needing to scrap some of the things I wanted to do, and I'm sorry for that, but luckily it'll mostly be smaller things like recolored enemies or new rooms in the Catacombs. There will still be a new H-scene and 2 new CGs with this update, so hopefully it won't be too disappointing that there won't be more to explore yet! Next update I'll make sure to focus more on content creation.

Anyway, that's enough outta me for this update. Thanks so much for reading everybody, and for supporting us as we make this game a reality - it means the world to us. I'll see you all in the next update!





I'm being intentionally vague here, but I will say that demons/supernatural beings are not actual things that exist in the Crisis Point universe, so you definitely won't find any in the game as enemies c: