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Hey everybody! As promised in the weekly update, here's the first look at the loop for the Lurker's normal H-scene that Orexius was working on. Enjoy!





Don’t know if this question was asked before, but have you ever thought of doing any DLC content post-release?


I have thought about it, and for the moment I don't plan on adding more content post-release. I want to make sure Crisis Point is a complete experience the moment it reaches v1.0, and I'm also looking forward to starting new projects after it - though I'll of course continue supporting Crisis Point with bugfixes and such whenever it needs it.

Darkness Crimson

there's a gallery for the sprite scenes, but is also a gallery for the CG events?


There is an in-game gallery by talking to Birch, and $10 Patrons can download a .zip pack containing all of the CG images without text, but there is no standalone gallery for CGs currently

Darkness Crimson

thank you very much, does the version.27h1 also has the same gallery style? or any gallery at all? i would like to check before patreon changes work, as well.


Sorry to disappoint, but no, there was no CG gallery back in v0.27. The gallery was added along with the change in context to the CGs, so to see those old CGs you'll have to seek them out ingame in v0.27, I'm afraid

Darkness Crimson

NP, thank for the replies, i really appreciate, your GC are amazing and the voice act was a brilliant idea, i understand that patreon changes made you change your work as well, and isn't your fault, just want to say i appreciate your work a lot and please keep up. i have one last question hope you can answer without giving problems with patreon new rules, did you know which content was removed since that version so i can seek them one by one? (i only now about the hellhound for now)


Every CG was changed to some degree, some more than others, including both writing and artwork. The Edovex enemy was redesigned, the Hellhound was removed (as you already know), and the way you access sprite H-scenes during gameplay was changed. That's all of the changes to H-content made since then.