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Hey everybody, time for another weekly update! I looked over our to-do list for the rest of this update - and to be perfectly honest, it's looking like a lot of the rest of this update will be focused on non-visual things. I feel like I should let you all know that now, the next several updates probably won't have that much to show off visually (this one won't either), but there's still plenty being done, and there's a good chunk of new H-content coming this update too, including 2 brand new CGs and the Lurker H-scenes! With all that out of the way, let's move on to what we got done this week specifically.

Orexius has been hard at work animating the Lurker. He's fully functional in gameplay now, and so Orex was working on his H-scene, and he just finished up the loop today. Since it's sexual in nature I can't show it here, but I'll be following up this post with another, Patron-only post showing the loop off. The loop will also be available anywhere else we update, if you aren't a Patron - it's only Patron-only here because we can't post explicit things publicly - so if you aren't currently pledged, do a quick search and you should be able to find it.

For my part, I've been having trouble getting back in the swing of programming, not sure why, but I decided to spend this week doing other work for the game, like writing the two new CGs I mentioned were being added (the Lurker CG and another secret one), planning some stuff I need for this update, writing more environmental dialogues, etc. Most of my writing work will be focused around the NPC I posted two weeks ago and the things surrounding them, but I want to try and squeeze in at least a little bit of dialogue in other places too.

Alright, that's about it for this update. Remember to look for that Lurker H-scene if you're interested in seeing it - sorry again that this update is on the smaller side, but I am getting back into it, and I'm excited about the new content coming this update!

Before I end this post, I want to get it out into the world that I want to start doing streams again occasionally - I don't have a schedule yet, and ideally I'd like to stream with someone else like Orexius, since programming isn't all that exciting to watch, but I'll keep you all updated on that when I figure out something more concrete. Thank you all for your support, and for sticking with us even when things are a bit on the slow side. We'll see you next update!


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