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Hey everybody! As promised in the last post, here's the download link for v.29 of Crisis Point: Extinction!


Like last update, there's no password this time, since it never served much of a purpose in the first place. Hope you enjoy, everybody, and thank you so much for your patience and support!



So I don't know if anyone else is or has had this issue seeing how it's barely been 48 hours yet, but when I tried to launch the game the program never actually opens. It shows up in task manager, but the program won't open. Can't Alt-Tab to it and have restarted my PC and reinstalled the game several times over now. Any thoughts, or is my laptop just shite?


That's a new one.. You're on a Windows computer, right? What are the specs on your laptop? Did you extract the game fully before running it? Considering the nature of this issue I'm going to guess it has nothing to do with the game itself and is more of a computer issue, but I'll do everything I can to try and help you get it working


Sorry to be a bother but I wanted to ask, is there a way to change the screen size? I am stuck at like a gameboy sized screen @@ I just can't wait to delve into the game.


Just use Scott's Window Resizing Utility: <a href="http://www.scottandmichelle.net/scott/program/swru.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.scottandmichelle.net/scott/program/swru.html</a> Works with almost every game