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Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know I'm back from my trip. Without getting into the details, the trip was a complete waste of time and money thanks to my family hiding some extremely important information from me, and the trip kept me busy all day every day so I wasn't able to get any work done at all.. not that my laptop would've made it easy if I tried. In any case, I'm back now, and it should only be a few days of work until I can release v.29, depending on how much polish I add to the new Boss 2 fight. In the interest of getting it out sooner I may leave the boss partially incomplete; even in it's current state, it's still much more fun than it used to be, so we'll see how long it'll take.



Man sorry t hear your trip was such a waste, looking forward to the release either way though. Keep up all the hard work Anon :D