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Hey everybody! Sorry it's been a bit since the last post, I wanted to finish all of this before sending out an update. We've got some nice visuals to show off today, as the post title states - a new title screen, and a new HUD in gameplay! The title screen is, obviously, the attached image. There might be some minor changes (especially the text font, which is very much temporary), but for the most part it's all finished up now. I'm very happy with how it turned out, looks much nicer than the plain black screen with white text from before! All of the menus will be getting a similar visual overhaul, but for this next update it'll only be the menu that's prettied up.

Aside from that, we also have a new HUD to display all of your stats and information while playing. It's got some nice animations to it as well, so I decided to upload a new video of it here so you can get the full experience. I'm extremely happy with how it turned out, and hopefully you'll agree!

That's all I have to share today. v.29 is proceeding smoothly, though it might unfortunately end up being a bit more delayed than I said originally. I got hit with some new years depression for a bit there, and it unfortunately slowed me down. I'm really sorry about that, but I'm back on the horse now and working hard to get this out as soon as possible. It's unlikely that the in-game gallery will make it into this update, it's going to take me longer than anticipated to implement, but luckily we do have the external gallery still so hopefully I'm not disappointing too many people.

Thanks for all of your support everyone, it means the world to me! I'll try and have another update for you soon!




I was wondering if you ever would do some kind of title screen update. It was refreshed in my mind since LustFire posted that cpe 2018 image yesterday. Good job.


When switching the power-ups, I'd like the icons to flip to each other faster to make it more snappy. When they go at that speed, it can get confusing when the actual change has been made.


The change happens as soon as you press the button, the animation is just fluff. I'll mess around with the speed ingame and see if it feels better with a higher speed though


Ooo that title screen looks really pretty and the new UI too, excited for the next demo! Keep up the awesome work :D