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Great news everyone, Patreon announced today that they have canceled their plans to change the way they handle and process fees.


The highlights here are: they're getting rid of their old plans completely, but they still do plan on making changes, largely because the current system is not sustainable. This time, however, they'll be working closely with us, the users of the site, to figure out the best system for all of us instead of keeping things under wraps and then forcing it down our throats.

Thanks to everyone who was going to stick with me despite these changes, and I hope to see those of you who did leave back sometime!

In other news - Crisis Point officially has a fully functional saving/loading system! I'm still working on bits of polish here and there, but it is completely functional now and boy does it feel good. Most of my time lately has been spent working on that and planning out the updates to the 2nd boss fight, so I don't really have anything exciting to show, but hopefully I will soon!



This is great news! (and a late comment) but otherwise i wouldn't have pledged lol.