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Assuming Patreon is going to 100% implement this shitty system, how would you prefer I handle this? And I need as many people to comment as possible, I want to know your opinions. Normally I'd do a poll, but they're still not working.

A) Just leave everything the same, its only a few cents extra.

B) Lower the tiers I can lower, so that my patrons are still pledging the same amount they've been pledging. (i won't be able to lower my $1 tiers because you're not allowed to have reward tiers for less than $1)
- $4.51 = $5
- $9.36 = $10
- $19.07 = $20
- $48.02 = $50

C) Pool the tiers who can't afford Patreon over to another site, like Dr!p  https://d.rip/

My math may be wrong on B.



I have unfortunately already trimmed down a few creators. As such, I will continue to support whether you go with the reduced tiers or keep them as is.


Sounds like they're trying to fix a system that isn't broken, c'est la vie, I'd rather you kept the tiers the same, your arts worth every penny


It is hard to say. I would think C is best myself. If it works I would prefer to donate over there so long as you get the same money right now.


I'll definitely keep you posted. The only reason I haven't jumped ship over there yet is because I don't know how secure it is yet, since its a new site. And I don't want to screw over my patrons even more.


I appreciate your input, a lot of people are okay with it right now. But we'll see how it goes.

Emily Bostic

I favor A, but it works worst for the lowest tiers. A $10 pledge goes up ~$0.65, only 6.5% more, but a 1 dollar pledge goes up ~$0.38, which is 40% more. The biggest impact is going to be on patrons who pledge to a lot of people at the $1 level, to get updates or just show a little support. (Amanda Palmer had a great post about this on her Patreon)

Emily Bostic

Also, I'm here to support you (and other creators, of course), not to support the platform, so if you have to go to a different platform to be able to afford to keep making art, I'll go there to support you.


I don't really mind giving a bit extra, even if that extra cents isn't going to you. I want to say don't lower your prices because then you end up with less money.


If I lower my prices, I end up around the same as I'm making now. I might do it to my lower tiers cuz they're who're affected the most.


Maybe lower the price of the lower tiers but keep the higher ones the same? The additional cost is pretty negligible as a share on the upper tiers.


I won't be able to lower the $1 tiers, which is my main concern. But I may be able to lower the rest so that they're paying an even $2-5, but I still won't be able to do anything about the $.35 fee unless every other artist does the same if that makes sense