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Since Patreon is planning on implementing their new system  


 I have made a poll so that I can prepare for the future.

The polling option on Patreon is fucked up right now so I have to link to a different site.




i'm gonna continue supporting the artists i do at the same rate i have been, because i already know how negatively this new thing will affect creators with people leaving and new potential patrons less likely to pledge - creators will need more help than ever. i have things i pay monthly budgeted pretty closely so it does bite... but i am fortunate enough to be in a financial situation where i'll be able to adjust my budget around this. unfortunately if i were subscribing to more people here i don't think i really could adjust my budget and i'd have to drop pledges, and the prospect of many people in that particular boat is upsetting.. i know a lot of people aren't in a position to adjust their budgets and that really sucks for creators and patrons alike. i'm glad i can stay the same on what pledges i have, but the new fees will make it so much more difficult for me to pledge to additional artists later. i've had a list of people i've been wanting to follow when my financial situation improves but that's further off than ever and it pisses me off. this is such a bad move on patreon's part


Its such balls because me and every other creator have been more than willing to pay our fair share at our own expense and not at the expense of our patrons. I don't care if I'm only making 90% I'm gonna be making 95% of LESS after people decide to not pledge anymore, and I can't even blame them. How hard do we have to yell at Patreon to not implement this?


For now, I'll keep supporting the artists I love, though I might look into alternate means since I am not wanting to support Patreon itself atm.


That's fair. I mean Ko-fi is FINE, but it requires you to pay $3 and its not automatic. I made another post about a POSSIBLE Patreon competitor, but its way too new right now.


I'll go where the artists are, regardless of what platform that is, so long as it's not horribly inconvenient on my behalf. Patreon is still very convenient with how automatic it is, which makes it more compelling to me personally instead of something like ko-fi, since I know artists can rely a bit more on having steady income.


Yeah Ko-Fi is fine and all, but I look for commitment, even if its just $1, that's still a big deal cuz its like you said, automatic and convenient