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It's fascinating how fast one year can pass by in this world. I was thinking about it a lot lately, this one year anniversary, how the game I created changed me. It has been a wild ride that hopefully doesn't end anytime soon...But let me start from the beginning.

I think it all started in march or april of 2019. I found my first ever adult visual novel. Let's just call it "Dating my (female) Tenant", I guess. I never played a game like this before and was surprised that these kind of games are available on Android - something that still surprises me. I downloaded the game and was expecting something like your typical NSFW game - you press a button to have sex with a girl. Oh boy was I wrong.

After this I started to dive deeper into this genre. I found other games like that, games that give me a good story with lewd content as extras. Some of these stories hooked me right from the beginning and I enjoyed them more than I thought. Of course I also found a few bad examples, stories that dragged me in just to suddenly take a turn for the worst possible situation. I don't want to call the game out but let's just say this fire was dumb and destroyed the whole game for me :).

I joined several discord servers that were attached to these games and found amazing people there. I learned how some of these games are made and was fascinated. I wanted to give it a go as well but I didn't have anything to make characters yet - or anything else that would be needed to create something. I was searching and asking other game developers what they are using and soon after that I found Honey Select. This is where it all started, I think.

I started the character maker and played around with it. I used koikatsu before so it was not completely new for me. I immediately felt that this engine was the right one to create the graphics - a bit cartoony but not as anime style as koikatsu. I fiddled around for a few days and then made my first attempt at a character. This character was Sandra. But I knew that one character would not be enough. I started to make a girl that looks similar like Sandra but something was missing. As soon as I saw the cat ears I knew what it was - this was the moment I created Lucy. Soon after that I had Becca and I thought to myself hm...Those three could work for the beginning.

I had this thought in my head that I wanted to create a game that I would personally love to play. A game that features no unneeded drama, no points where the player feels betrayed or cheated on. No moments where characters the player invested so many feelings in get taken away for no reason. I never wrote something like this before. I learned the coding part pretty fast, the tutorial for Ren'Py is pretty good. But writing...How should I write? I'm not that creative. I can't make an amazing fantasy world with in depth lore and explanation on why things are like they are. And then it hit me...

Why not insert some of my own experiences into a story - but change the outcome to be a lot better than my outcome was so many years ago. Write it in a way that makes you feel good. Let good things happen that even out all the bad things you experienced. Introduce characters with stories you know too well - but help them in a way that cures all the pain they had to endure. Things like that went through my head and that's where I wanted to go with my story. Create something that I would love to play.

This all happened over a year ago. The pictures you see attached to this post reflect the changes. The very first menu screen for my 0.01 release that I only made available for a few people. And the current main menu screen for 0.13. The original models of Sandra, Becca and Lucy and how they look today. So much has changed over the years. Not only the game changed a lot, I changed even more.

As I already said in a few other personal posts, my life wasn't going in a good direction back then. I was without a job and living of almost nothing. I could barely afford my food and was just living from one day to the next. Some days I didn't even get out of my bed because I just didn't feel the motivation to do anything.

Now, over a year later, I'm in a much better mental condition. While I still suffer from bad depression phases they aren't as severe anymore. I recover faster than I did before and I'm more motivated to do things. I started to look out for myself a bit more as well, eating more healthy and trying to be a bit more active. While my working times are still a bit extreme sometimes I always keep a constant watch that I don't burn out.

I love what I'm able to do because of the amazing support I gained over this year. Every single one of you who enjoyed my game are the reason for that. Be it here on patreon by pledging and giving me some of your hard earned money or through messages where you tell me how much my game has helped you as well - how much it touched you because it hits too close to home. Seeing so many people enjoying what I created gives me the motivation to continue. And not only that, it gives me motivation to create even more things that hopefully will give you the same feelings My New Family does.

You guys have been insane over this year. Never ever in my wildest dreams and hopes did I think to become this big on Patreon. I see the numbers and still can't believe where I am right now, how lucky I am and how grateful I am for this. I will never take this for granted and I will always do my best to keep you guys entertained. Whenever I need a break or anything else you guys will be the first to find out about it. I will always be as transparent as possible when it comes to my development. The last thing I want is to become a dev that abuses the fact that people like what I do - I always want to deliver content for you amazing people out there. Milking will never be an option for me and that is a guaranteed promise.

Phew, this post has been pretty long and if you made it this far then thank you again. You guys have been giving me so much more than you can imagine and no matter how often I say thank you, it won't be enough for me. But thank you, all of you, again. The next progress update will be on monday like usual and I hope to see all of you there. Enjoy your weekend as much as you can!




I knew a story with so much love could only come from the best of ppl. Keep on going dude, I am loving each updates more than the previoys ones :)


As I have mentioned in the discord, your game is wonderful. I love the story and the characters(especially lucy). I cant hope you keep it going for a long time.


Really glad that you found that game and it got you curious. Because the outcome is the best game I've ever played. And it just keeps on coming. Thanks. SNGCT to you.


Your game is really mean something, i love that the story is not too dramatic (i love how it alway bring me a happy moment for every update) and i love that the choice is not really hard to pick like any other game (a top choice method is really impress me). Keep up a good work, mate. I wish your game will be more successful.


Congrats and hope lot more years :)


Congrats on 1 Year. Here's to many more 🥂


Interesting. I started with the same VN as well. It opened the door to many other options. And one of the things I loved about that game was the slow buildup and genuinely niceness (in the beginning) of it. But when I ran across your game, it was a whole other level of wholesome. Most other games make a MC you wanna be cause he gets the lewd, but your MC is what I want to be because he's a really good guy. (who actually gets the girl(s)). Thanks again, and Congrats!!


I can't wait for the continuation of this and the beginning of you new works of ART. Killer7 you have a gift and thank you for sharing it with us.


They don't call ya Killer7 for nothing! ;) Big Congrats!!!!!


Congratulations on one year and I want to thank you for the lovely story that has brought many smiles some tears and many other feelings so again thank you and keep up the good work


Congrats on 1 year...here's to many more! We all love you Killer


Congratulations on 1 year. It has been really great story when i joined on 0.3 version and story has been just wonderful. Wanna thank you for that and looking more beautiful, awesome moments of this game.




Congrats on 1 year. And to many more if you feel up to doing so. Always stay encouraged & if you have hard days hopefully we can change that around for you.

Syl Ast

You were the first one that had a story about respect and not abuse and that's what conquered me as soon as it started. Your story is about relationships and development and for that you'll have my congrats but also my money =p


I made an account only to say this. MNF was the first game and first VN in general to hit so close to home and to make me feel such emotions while playing a supposedly H game and as I've said many times, the way you weave such emotions into your story is truly amazing, you are an amazing individual even though I don't know you personally, you and this game are something else and I want to personally thank you, thank you for, through this game bringing me moments of pury joy, watching this family grow and change for the better and to congratulate you on your 1 year anniversary. Whatever the future may bring may we all face it together and when the time comes for the final chapter of My New Family to come to a close, may we all cry tears, not because it's over but because we were there to experience it. And while the quote "Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened." is both a happy and sad one, maybe we can in the end smile, smile and remember all the happy moments this game and the community around it have brought us. Now by all means I'm not going anywhere and I know that the rest of the guys and gals in the discord won't either, at least not for a long time, so let's all congratulate Killer on his (and our, because let's face it some of the people here have been here since the very beginning) anniversary. May we all find the Sandra/Lucy/Alice/Maddy/Becca/Mary/ect. we're looking for, maybe not tomorrow or the day after, but some day. And even if that day does come I will still look back fondly and remember playing this game, even in the times when I don't have time to play it or have stopped because of reasons, whatever those maybe. (but let's face it, it's never gonna happen :D) Alright, I'm rambling on now, I'll end it here with one final, Congratulations Killer7, you have made something that has touched so many hearts and I wish you the best.


And i remember the first launch (in some site) and in the first version of the game i was already in love with the history (by the time i was following both you and another game). And i'm not joking when i said that everything that you have now is well deserved, and boy, you will have a lot more, you are one of the first devs that i ever speak at discord, and you are always an awesome dev.


From the feels to the lewds I love this game and get genuinely excited every time I see a new update in my inbox! Congratulations to you and thank you for the fantastic story and characters you have created.

Ewilan (beledhien)

Wow... Now I understand better how this game could touch me so deeply in my soul. It's so special to you and written with your heart. I don't really know what to say except thank you for all what you've made so far and congratulations ! Your game is awesome and you can be proud of it.


I SO agree about the fire that absolutely ruined that one for me

Scott Wulf

I've written a couple times privately to you as someone who has felt how personally your game has hit close to home for me, and shared with you, and thankful for what you have shared, then, and in all the postings! This game is phenomenal, and it does so much, and I can't get enough of it, and Lucy is my number 1! Congrats again on your First Year Anniversary! I say that because it's more than just the Game's, it's yours as a Dev, and with MNM as well, I wish you a bright and prosperous future! Sincerely Scott


Awesome story! Yeah, that fire... he should have called it Soul Crusher!

Jeff Sandau

I'll assume the "fire" comment has to do with DPC's game, Acting Lessons, and the tearful choice about three quarters through the game. Am I right? Acting Lessons is literally my favorite VN of all time, exactly because of that terrible choice you are forced to make. Also, DMD - so good. Those are two of my top 10 favorite games and my own personal story about finding these Lewd games is very similar to your own, Killer, and probably similar to how many people found this genre of games and the Patreon sites they were attached. I love MNF because I'm a taboo-loving man with thing for milfs, moms and redheads. The whole Lucy being bullied story thread is what originally kept me coming back for new releases only to find an expanding cast of interesting and unique characters climbing out of the woodwork for our protag to charm and plow in the kindest, most 'nice-guy' way. I'm not a huge fan of Honey Select, as I prefer a more realistic look to characters, but I like MNF a lot, and I hope you keep up your good work. I'm super excited for your DAZ3D based game, MNM. The teaser renders only make me more giddy for a release.

Mr Wayne

Thank you again for a positive story, when so many are not. Keep up the good work, but remember you do this because you want to, not you must.


Thanks For sharing! And thank you more for an interesting game/story that is more fun, impactful and entertaining than anything else in this category. Keep up the great work and take care of yourself too!

Scurvy Dog

Congrats on a year & still going strong!


that was beautiful k7


Here is to 1 year and many more to come


Congrats. U have made it all worth it for yourself. Great story and hard work.


Huh, the girls are getting less sun these days it seems.


You deserve every bit of support my friend, and damn does time fly, eh? ^^