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Here it is people, the release of 0.13! This update is a more wholesome update compared to 0.12. You will have a lot less drama and more feel good moments with all your girls. And of course the big cliffhanger get's revealed - with some more extras!


  • Added six more ingame days!
  • Added over 900 new cg's!
  • Added 21 Animations
  • Updated the main menu again


  • Remade ~15 cg's + two animations for the Fiona office scenes. If you want to check them out just click her second scene in the Gallery!

Download links:

Windows/Linux: https://mega.nz/file/6lZHFKqb#5zI4SBJFKkncio04VJMq2rgxFAaeF3j9nE45VQmE-VA 

Mac: https://mega.nz/file/LtRngYzY#HGE49sD-Fd3Vxc2U7l5AHCJnL3OdF3sF6z6VsXUfOd8 

Android: https://mega.nz/file/fkAHEIAJ#nI1j0DV57GRM_JfhWpKwBCVaudRtastQeY6JEnW58tQ 

I can't wait to hear your opinions on 0.13. I think it is one of the best updates so far because of the overall theme. It has some more serious moments but my focus was more on light hearted content this time!

Now with the cliffhanger revealed we have another cliffhanger at the end of 0.13. Not a big one but probably one that a lot of you were looking forward to. Going into 0.14 I plan to do a lot of things - We are going to meet a new character, for example. If you played 0.13 you will probably know who it is already.

You will also have to make a few more important decisions - Becca, Mary and a certain ginger will all ask you a very important question in 0.14. What will your answer be? I plan to release the first 0.14 Beta very soon, I'll keep you guys posted!




loved it


Thanks for all your hard work 🙏.


This update was great! short question: can we expect some more development between the relationship of MC and Elaine?


How much difference is there to the 13 pre release?


More peeing please!

Michael Hendrix

Is this different than the content in 0.13b2?


Man....every update is better than the last...how can you do that? I always said that i love the way you write things, and you are a great writer, but damn....


Dangit, stop making me cry! (By which I mean, keep doing what you're doing, I love it. :D)

Baku K

Great Update! Waiting the next one 😁😁👍


Everything and I mean everything I've played so far has been amazing. Can't wait to see what's next.