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It's been a hell of a week. Breaking stories, record breaking numbers, a rush on patronage and a bunch of videos about a pretty cool game. The Christmas break is coming up so what better time to sit back with a cup of egg nog, and watch me answer your questions.

Want to know about the DOOM doc? How we got that footage? How the shoot went? What's planned for 2017? Stick your questions in the comments below TODAY and I'll make sure to answer as many as I can.

Talk soon,





I understand you probably can't divulge what's next for No Clip but can you give us an estimate on when that announcement will be made?


How did you get id to open their doors so wide for you? It was amazing. So amazing I'm now a patron. The documentary is stunning. Is there a link to more info on how you got such an inside look? Thanks!


Are there any projects involving Japanese developers / games planned for future videos? If no JP plans, then what about retro games? Love to see you do a restrospective similar to what you did with Sensible.

Nick Grugin

You ever thought about doing a doc on Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem


Would you consider covering sports franchises like Fifa or Pro evo? The inclusion of the story mode in Fifa this year would be very cool to see how that came about.

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. O'Dwyer! Once again great job to you and Mr. Jane all around. This was such a fun series to watch. I have two questions: If you had to pick one aspect of the entire project that would be your favorite, be it an interview, obtaining never before seen footage, etc., what would it be? And what is the timetable for you to announce the third project? I assume it'll be after the new year? Thanks in advance if you take either question and have a great day!


Covering the Kojima saga would be an interesting topic also! Keep the quality stuff coming, it's all been stellar :D


Can you fit all those chess pieces on the board?


I really loved the first 2 documentaries that you have produced, I was just wondering if you ever thought about sometime in the future making some of them long form? For instance, instead of Doom being 3 parts being released separately, you make one 1h30m movie.


Hey Danny. Big fan obviously from the Gamespot blogging days. This is more of a creative question. What do typically turn to for inspiration when it comes to the creation process? Are you guys following a specific format or are you always looking for new methods to visually tell a story?


One of the documentaries I'd like to see for Noclip, would be on other youtubers committed to providing quality gaming coverage. i.e. interviewing people like Boogie, Angry Joe, Jim Sterling etc. How they got into the industry, how they built their brand, why they do it, and their battles against companies paying for their content. Is this something in scope of what you would do with Noclip, or are you more focused on the game creators?


What was the hardest part (1,2 or 3) of the Doom series to edit?

Zackery Parkerson

Was there any pressure from a big publisher like Bethesda to portray Doom in as positive a light as possible?

Colby Perry

Beautiful work Danny & Jeremy. While I haven't played this creation of DOOM (maybe over Christmas break), I grew up on DOOM 1 & 2 and this was a blast to watch. The QuakeCon behind-the-scenes footage was AWESOME! My question is, did you expect them to say & provide as much information on DOOM 4? If so, did it change the story you were planning to tell? Thank you team, I can't wait for next teaser.

Tom Grundy

Not to get too ahead of anything, but planning on doing anything in Galway, e.g. interviewing the Romeros? I'm gonna be back there for Christmas, and that place is an amazing little town with what appears to be a burgeoning indie scene. Also, any plans on enabling ads on the Youtube channel? As a Red subscriber, I wouldn't mind if some of that money went to you, and you could potentially post the videos behind a password on Vimeo if subscribers want ad-free video.


What's your dream doc? Assuming you could go anywhere and talk to anyone (alive or dead)


Hey Danny, another great job with this one. As a Media Production student in college, I had some questions about the workflow and equipment used for the project. Are you using Avid or Premiere to edit this? Did you generate the lower thirds yourself or grab something off of Videoblocks or other third party places and just edit the text? What kind of camera is Jermey using to shoot this with, and is he using a shoulder or chest rig for it? Thanks Danny, and sorry for the real nitty gritty questions, just really super curious as a student. Love the work that you and Jermey have done so far!

Joel Powley

Was the team at ID receptive to having you there helping to tell their story? Obviously they answered your questions well but did they understand the heart and soul behind why noclip is making these documentaries? Had they seen you past work (Rocket League and Overwatch)? Cheers and great job on DOOM to you and Jeremy!


Great work Danny. My question is: are you ever asked to stay clear from a particular subject? My question doesn't necessarily apply to id software in particular but even your future prospective developers. I'm gonna get some kind of terminal disease and die before valve discloses anything about the supposed future HL.... :'-(


How much did you know going into the filming about the direction you want to take it. Additionally, how much did you figure out, about the direction, once you satdown with id?

Joel Powley

Hey Cody, I believe he runs the Adobe Creative Cloud suite and their main interview camera is the Canon C100. I think Jeremy also runs a small gimbal for the walking shots. As for his on-screens assets, I'm unclear and would love to know myself!


Anything off-limits, such as John Carmack and the like? I've seen Marty a bit apprehensive to talk about his contribution to the project before, was wondering if you broached the subject.


I know you have a bunch of ideas for upcoming docs already in your head, but do you think you will ever revisit some of the games/stories you covered with Gamespot?

Michael Bataligin

Did Mick Gordon mention anything about working bits of the original Doom music into the new score, or will that be answered in the extended interviews? I thought that a really nice touch. Great work Danny, keep it up!

Tory Thompson

Do you have a lot of knowledge and go into the interviews knowing what your story is, or do you go in with a clean slate and let the story find you over the course of the interviews and in post?


Loved the two series you've posted on Youtube so far, and I loved the Overwatch series you did for GameSpot. I was wondering what your plans are regarding documentaries not about the production and reception of video games, but about the surrounding industries that are connected to gaming? An example would be like a documentary on the early days of Gaming Media, like games media or the earliest gaming news sites. Or maybe something about the rise and fall of the G4 television network. Any plans for documentaries like that?

Christopher Metzger

The never before seen footage of 1.0 has me wondering about your level of access as an independent. Is it more difficult to reach companies without the big name of Gamespot behind you? Or do you find that people are actually more forthcoming since you've made such a point of distancing yourself from the traditional games media machine?

Magnus Tegnvallius

Did the people at ID give any feedback if they are happy with the result of the 3 part serie?


Can we get more Hugo? Just his random musings on stuff.


With all the deep dives you do into unreleased content and information is there any ever fear of a company revoking footage or interviews after they've gone out? How do you go about getting that permission? Also...t-shirts?


I was wondering if you plan on doing shorter segments, like you did back at gamespot for the point. Focusing on the various aspects of the video game industry, or about certain trends in video games and how they have evolved over time. This wouldn't replace the regular docs you plan on doing, just some extra content to have in between them. Only if funding permits it of course, just an idea for the future.


Hey Danny, great work so far - love the concept and overjoyed that you have an outlet for your passion which in turn provides us such high quality content. Apologies for bringing up Gamespot again, but how have you found the support for Noclip from your friends and ex-colleagues? Do you think Noclip could eventually grow to a point where you work with some of those ex-colleagues again through Noclip?


Do you have any plans for discussions about the current state of the gaming industry with other grizzled vets? I always thought it would be interesting to hear a roundtable from some people who were in the games press but left (e.g. Dan Hsu, Greg Kasavin, Adam Sessler).


Any plans to get back on the O'Carina horse Danny?


Oh, and how about reincarnating The P*int as The Pint?! In which Mr Danny O'Dwyer swigs beverage of choice from a 568ml glass receptacle whilst delivering witty and incisive gaming opinion piece to camera? Glass empty, vid ends. It wouldn't have to be stout.

Frank Howley

Seconding this question, I'd love to know how you craft your story. How much of an angle is planned before the trip compared to how it naturally unfolds through filming and editing.


What sort of plans do you have for tackling older games or companies? DOOM and Rocket League are new games and most people involved are still at the studio. For example, if you wanted to do a doc on THQ, tracking down people able to talk about that would be quite challenging, as they aren't in one place. Is that something that is within the scope of NoClip, or will you need to grow the operation before that is feasible?


Hey Danny, been following your work for a few years now, you really went to town on Doom. Bangup job. Question - there is a defensiveness to crowdfunding, with creators often going out of their way to demonstrate value and even overcompensating at times by being ashamed of their own living expenses. Is this a feeling you share? If so, how do you reconcile it? Your Patreon is your project, but you are also your own person with needs and wants that require a salary. How do you walk that line between not guilting yourself, and not locking yourself into a unsustainable, shoestring lifestyle?


How do you decide on a game/studio? Will there be any choice for patrons in what you do next? Maybe a nice incentive for new patrons, but would hate for you to tied to something you aren't passionate about. After documentaries about games that were received well, will you ever create one about a game that didn't do well? Personally I would find it interesting to see and hear about what went wrong.

Brett Geiser

Hey Danny! Thrilled to support your venture. You are on the bleeding edge of a new business model along with many of your peers on Patreon. I am curious as to how you are structuring Noclip as a company (sole proprietorship? LLC? Other?) Also, how income is handled as far as fees from Twitch, Patreon, YouTube, etc? How is that income taxed once it hits your books? Bottom line, for every dollar we give you - about how much is actually going into your pocket?


Doom Resurrected is quite possibly the best video game documentary I think I've ever seen so amazing work. When you know you're going to be getting into a touchy subject (in this case Doom 4.0 and the changes they were going through) do you give them a heads up that you're going to ask about them? How do you handle situations where touchy subjects come up?


What game is your "white whale"? A game you always wanted to cover and make a doc of but never got the chance.


I have a question about media bias. Or more specifically, how you avoid being overly bias in your docs? With you being responsible for the interviews, edits and pretty much everything else there must be some temptation or thoughts in your head that a particular story could be moulded a particular way. Be it because you think it will make it more interesting/get more views or just because you have pre held opinions on that person or studio. We see it everyday when watching things that arguably should be held to be as unbiased as possible, that a particular channel has a particular line or narrative to follow. I feel being totally unbiased is pretty much impossible, but how do you avoid adding your personal spin to things?


You're a real G Danny. Thanks for all you do. How difficult is it to get access to these developers to get as deep an insight as possible? Is there ever any area where they'll say "no, we can't discuss that?"


If you got a chance to do a doc on the whole of Naughty dog, What would be the one thing you would want to know more about? For me it would either be the original version of uncharted 4/the differences between amy's and what was published.


Hey Danny, mentioned that I felt a bit to much reuse of clips in the DOOM doc, when checking in on your Christmas rocket league stream today. Some of the following is probably due to the heavily scripted opening, so don't take it as me being anything but pedantic: Noclip clip reuse: Doc1 @ 18:02-06 Interlaced video probably stylisic but god that is horrible Doc1 @ 22:20-25 clip is the same as 20:50-20:57 it stood out since it was so close to eachother Doc2 @ bad motherfucker clip is used 3 times @ 14:54-14:55, 15:45-15:46, 19:58 feels overused due to the first two usages i think Doc2 @ 11:45-53 elevator pitch and again @ 20:19 probably ok since it is a callback with almost 10 min inbetween Doc2 @ awakening 13:27-13:33 same as 12:46-12:50 Doc2 @ reuse of throw aside "tablet" 17:03 + 17:31 + 18:03, might just be stretched too far Doc2 @ gorenest video @ 18:54 is the same as before (I know that is how it plays out but would have been nice if it was not the exact same clip) Doc3 awakening clip used yet again 22:15 same from doc2 (yes it is scriptet but )

Kc Wright

So the first two docs have been great but they've been on recent games any chance going back to some old school games in future docs?


Did you get a chance to ask why the review copies of Doom went out so late? Was it simply a Bethesda decision, or was something occurring internally at Id to cause the perceived delay?


Have you ever seen any of the Core-A Gaming videos? They're all about the fighting game community. It's a pretty good introduction for people who play the game and you get small pieces of their stories. I'd recommend the "Analysis: Should Coaching Be Banned in the FGC?" and "Analysis: Villains in the FGC and eSports"


Two Questions: 1. Publishers are known for keeping everything close to their chest. Did you have any problems with that yet where you have to fight versus the publisher? 2. Will you cover games that are not successful? For example, the story behind the mess that was the recent Thief reboot might be really interesting.

Thomas Munkholt

You mentioned that you wont use front-loaded ads (is that the word?) on YouTube, but how about Views and Subs? Do those net you some extra earnings?

Thomas Munkholt

Where does The Point v. 2.0 stand? Looking at your schedule you're obviously not slacking off, but I would love to see that return.


How difficult would it be to do docs on subjects that failed? Triumph stories like Doom are great, but I think some of the failures are just as interesting. I'd love to hear the stories behind THQ, Star Wars 1313, Sleeping Dogs 2, Colonial Marines, etc., but I'm guessing that with the employees gone or companies not eager to talk about failures, it would be pretty tough to do.

Ossian Olausson

Hi Danny, if you were to say, how well did the docs do in terms of views, spread etc. did it meet your expectations or even exceed them? Much love, happy holidays!


Hey Danny, as a fresh patron i am curious how you make the choice of which game developer you want to make a docu of?


Hi, Danny. When you decide to make a documentary about a game, do you know exactly how you want it to turn out from the start or will that vision change throughout the course of filming?


Any chance of having a way to download these? I'd love to have them on my HTPC so I can watch them on the big screen (as they deserve)!


Hi Danny, Following the points you've expressed in the past about the need to preserve digital content and having the NOCLIP docs exist in a streaming only medium leaves a (very remote) chance that one day they could be gone or become inaccessible. It leads me to wonder how you feel about viewers dipping in to the often criticized practice of ripping the videos from YouTube and storing them for posterity. While there’s little to be done to prevent it I would like to know how you actually feel about it. Cheers,


How much research do you do on key people before interviewing them (previous projects, background, etc. previous) ?


Will there be a way to listen to your extended interviews in a podcast format? For allowing people to listen while driving or in places without easy streaming options.


Have you ever found yourself comparing dev studios to each other? Like noting the general personality of the company compared to another? For example Id and psyonix , or even CD Projekt?


Hi Danny i haven't received my discord invite.

Graham Robinson

You've made your feelings clear about your dislike of advertising and paid for content, and your popularity and proven skill has taken you out of it. If someone was breaking into the industry, and had the same feelings, would you tell them to turn down experience for what they believe in or build their portfolio to the point that they can break from it?

Thomas Munkholt

Any specific plans to reach the end-of-year goal? Anything you need from us?

Jacob Wisner

After hearing snippets of the $10 year development saga that produced Final Fantay 15, I'd love to get an accurate inside accounting of what exactly happened. Originally supposed to be 3 games with 90% of the staff pulled over to FF14 to fix it after it's troubled launch? Apparently there was a significant period of time where only the director was working on it because he refused to stop.