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Hey patrons!

So after three insane weeks of flights, shoots, edits, flights and more shoots, I'm finally free to sit on my ass and answer some questions. And believe me, with all that's happened over the past few weeks, there's a lot to talk about!

If you have a question in mind, please post it in the comments below. If you need help coming up with a question, here are some talking points that would be fun to chat about.

- The Rocket League series.- How busy our workflow has been. - Our time at iD Software.- Future plans.

Post them below! I'll answer them in the next few days.

Thanks folks!





Would you be able to publish the extended cuts of older inverviews like from Overwatch?


Any chance you'll be offer the noclip docs in a "collector's edition"? Like, a noclip branded USB drive preloaded with the most recent doc series and all related content released? I understand perhaps not wanting to sell the docs when they are already offered for free and special features available only to Patrons. But I was thinking some people out there might be more into buying a completed product every so often, while not wanting to donate monthly. Also, it would be cool for fans of the noclip who basically just want to kick more money your way. :-P If anything, maybe this would take up too much time and take you away from creating new docs.... hm. What do you think?


Was there anything during the rocket league filming that you didn't get to cover that you would have loved to?


How different is it working independently, opposed to working for GameSpot?


DANNY! When is your Op-Ed show likely to reappear? I'm missing those sweet, juicy opinions.


You played dat titanfall 2 son?


Are we gonna see a "NoClip" community flag in Rocket League soon?? Hope so! P.S. Thanks for working so hard to put up content for us but be sure to give yourself enough rest. You deserve it!

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. O'Dwyer! First off, once again great job on Rocket League! For someone who has never played the game, it was a real enjoyable watch. As for DOOM, it's one of my favorite series of all time, and this year's game was such a delight. So my question: Between the two, which one was longer to shoot, interview, edit, etc., and was one harder to do than the other? Looking forward to the DOOM docs!!


What is your history with Rocket League? What is the noclip plan when you are in Europe?


What have you learned anything unexpected from the Rocket League doc that's helped or changed the way you approached your time at id and the Doom doc?

Nick Grugin

Any thoughts on doing a noclip doc on the moding community and how it's trying to preserve older games, or put a new coat of paint on older games to make them still relevant and playable for future generations of gamers? (Black Mesa Mod for Half Life 1, System Shock kickstarter that's remaking the original, the mods released for KOTOR 2 basically repairing and putting together a full game where only 3/4th of one existed, etc)


Any thoughts on doing a documentary about independent reviewers and gaming personalities that have sprung up on YouTube these last few years? People like superbunnyhop and ACG, TB and such. Just thought it would be an interesting gaming topic.


How has the transition, for you, and the people around you, been from going from a totally corporate environment, with VERY different goals, to the freedom of expression you have now. You've obviously tapped into something with the reaction from your popularity, that helps carry fans of Danny ;-) Every time you make a video your enthusiasm is tangible, and I get the feeling that you are over the moon with what you are attempting, but again to my question: How has this transition been for you. You seem to be playing a lot of roles all at once, and we don't want you to burn yourself out lol :-) Tis the life of an internet video producer right? I just want an idea how life has changed. Cheers my friend.


The first two docs have been recent games, are you looking at doing older games (PS2, PSX, SNES, NES, etc.) and if so which game would you like to do? Also what type of docs are you looking at doing outside of focusing on a game?


GOOB! I knew you'd be here giving Danny our support :-D Going to Rhode Island Comic Con next weekend for Friday and Saturday to get our Stan Lee photo ops we missed in Cincy after a tragic alarm accident. You should road trip it up to Providence lol :-)


The end of year is approaching...Any plans to revive the "Year in the life of a Gamer" videos?

Fred Fryolator

How will you handle subjects or questions which may prove uncomfortable for your documentary subjects? I assume access to developers, especially those associated with large corporations, is dependent on the good graces of corporate PR departments. Are you providing a final cut of the docs for PR approval before publishing them? Have you been asked to do this by any of the PR teams you've dealt with so far? Have you been asked to submit questions or topics for approval before being allowed to film?


Would standalone/one-off and possibly not game/series centric documentaries possibly happen with noclip? Back when this was announced I re-visited 'Video Games vs Depression', a video that really resonated with me at release and now still, and wondered if any more general social type topics would get a documentary.


During the recent /noclip Extended Cut interview - J Dunham mentioned: '... we plan to release on other platforms' - in your mind does this mean Rocket League on NSwitch?? What title would be a game changer, for you, on the upcoming portable device from Nintendo? Ye will ..Ye will ..Ye will ..Ye will .. Go on now Father. Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on. :)


With the hectic schedule has the amount of work actually sunk in yet? Are there any plans for keeping the live streams and other videos (new point etc) rolling during busy documentary periods?

Ossian Olausson

How did you anticipate the first series of docs to go (part 1, 2) versus how they actually did in terms of views and spread?


Is the new documentary just covering Doom (2016), or will it be a bit of a retrospective on the whole series?


Great work on those first two videos! My question is the following : why do you feel the need to cut your documentaries in multiple episodes/part instead of producing a single ''hour'' long documentary?


Loved the Rocket League series, also because of how relaxed everyone seems in front of the camera. How do you make sure people are comfortable talking? Do you prep with them, discuss possible talking points? Or do they come in blind and is it just your easy going manner that makes it all look so relaxed? Excited about Doom, so happy you started no clip! Thanks for making film that I'm actually excited about watching!

Thomas Kaspersen

You mentioned that you would try to make a push to get over $ 30000 on patreon. Does this mean new reward tiers or will $ 30 still be the cap?


Are you still experimenting with the format of the documentaries or will you always use the 2-part 25min format? Thanks!

James Spibey

Hey Danny, Great Job so far, I loved the docs. My question is if you could have 1 piece of equipment (money no object), what would it be and how would that help improve the vids? P.s. Did you realise you were creating a community of like minded people by starting this venture (through discord) ?


Hey Dan, do you guys have a business contact email as of yet?


The real question everyone wants to know - Andy Bauman or Jeremy Jayne?!


Hi Danny. With the first videos out of the way, is it at all possible that you might release any planning documents or the like you created during pre-production? Bizarre question but, as a media student, I would be fascinated to see how a successful independent producer prepares for a project. (Also, thank you for being a fantastic human being)


Congrats on the new project Danny, long time fan of your work. I was curious, now that you are firmly rooted in this next chapter, how do you feel in hindsight leaving Gamespot? Any regrets or apprehension?


Hey Danny. Excellent work on the Rocket League series. I was just curious to know what you think about the work Gamespot are doing with Gamespot Studios and the videos they are producing. I only just found out about them the other days and they seem to be very much about what noclip is doing. Were you aware of this project when you left? It feels like it has come from GS with a little awkward timing in relation to the the start of noclip.


Hi Danny, Great job on the Rocket League series! Back when they founded the company, they said they were building mods at first. How were they monetizing those mods? How mod use has evolved over the years could make an interesting doc. Can't wait for DOOM!


Hi Danny, love your work. Curious - what would you say your favourite game genre and/or series is?

Tohir Tillyaev

Did you discover something process wise that you think you'll do in a different way from now on? Different schedule, pace, duration of shoots, bags of a different size?

Colby Perry

Heya Danny, love everything so far. Question - how does, or does the editing process differ now than you aren't representing another company? I assume you have the final say in editing today.

Jackson Roye

Danny, loved the Rocket League docs! What would you say was the hardest part of making this first doc series? Don't say quitting your job and trying your hand at going solo! :)


Hi Danny, Love the Rocket League documentary -- so far you've done impressive work! I like learning about the stories behind successful games but what are the plans in the works to track down people who made infamously terrible games (like ET for the 2600 or Superman for the N64) or downright weird games (like Seaman) and get a documentary about them?


Hi Danny Great work on Rocket League, fantastic debut for NoClip. I'd like to ask if you feel you could have started NoClip without what you achieved/put in place at Gamespot


Hi Danny, I'd love to see you do a doc or two on full systems and their histories (e.g. development, marketing, what was up with Sega and the 32X) as well as their game libraries. So my questions is, which one would you choose and why?

Bavo Debraekeleer

Hi Danny, How are the cats coping with you being home a lot and then disappearing for days? Kind regards, Bavo PS.: Love the coffee mug.

Piotr Kostecki

Hi Danny, got a question regarding the upcoming doc. Are you planning to talk to guys which were behind the first two games as well? I think that John Carmack is still in id Software :)


Specifying the question of Jason Kobus: you were talking about a possible third part in the Rocket League series. What was it going to be about and why did you (or someone else) decide not to do it? Also, how are you going to manage people asking the same questions...? ;-P Seriously, though, I feel that at least a third of these questions has already been asked and answered, but the people asking them are probably still enthusiastic and interested. They might just don't know the answers are already out there.


Hey Danny, no questions to offer, just wanted to say great job on the first documentary, and I look forward to seeing this next one, looks awesome!


Hey Danny, do you have any updates on your opinion show and why it was delayed? I'm really excited to see it return.

Stanley Yeung

Since I'm posting this on Election day, any chance we can get a doc regarding Metal Wolf Chaos, an almost cultish game from FROM Software? I would be interesting to get behind the mindset of how this game got made and why it never came to the states...despite it having a demo on an official Xbox Magazine.


Are you planning on going to Europe (or maybe Asia) in the near future, or are you gonna stay in the US in the beginning? Rocket League was awesome but as a European I'd obviously like to see something close to home. Great job so far!

Kevin Duffy

What was the decision behind the overall length of the first doc? It felt like there was more pieces to the story regarding the development of features and modes? Also more in regards to post release changes and challenges. In future docs with more time allowed for editing and post work can we look forward to longer docs, 60-90 minutes long or are you trying to keep things around the 30-40 minute length?

James Spibey

2nd question / kinda on the same line as biddy. Do you go into the interviews with set questions or make it up as you go along or (and most likely) a big of both. I am also interested if the companies/people get to veto questions? Great job, sorry about your new president.