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Hello $20 and up backers!

First of all thank you so much for backing Noclip so early. By putting us over all our initial goals it's allowed us to be a lot more daring in the projects we're booking. Though nothing is confirmed yet, we have multiple week-long shoots on the horizon which wouldn't have been possible without your amazing support, so thank you. You folks are my A-team. My big hitters. My 5-tool players.....Sorry I watched Moneyball again last night. (Oakland represent!)

As part of your $20+ reward, we all get to get together once a month to chat about the project and generally chew the cud. And I say there's no time like the present! 

So as this is our first Google Hangout, I thought it best to involve you all in the process of booking a time, as we all live on different time-zones and have different personal plans and job responsibilities.

So, when suits? I've created a strawpoll http://www.strawpoll.me/11265579 where you can vote on some times that work for you. But also feel free to put other suggestions in the comments below.

I'm also not totally against the idea of doing two of these and splitting it down the middle. It all depends on how many folks can actually take the time to do it, and when. I just want to make sure everyone gets a chance to join in if they want to. So let me know your thoughts.

Oh, and for you $30 backers, we've come up with a really elegant way of showing all of your names at the end of the doc. It's almost built, but we think you'll like it. More on that in the coming weeks.

Talk soon!




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