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Hello Patrons!

Thanks so much for joining and accepting your $5 (or up) tier. As promised here is the first of many Q&A videos you should expect hitting your feed over the course of each month. In fact there were so many questions I'm posting a second one on Sunday (and there will be one next week too).

On this edition I talk about the idea behind Noclip, projects I'm hoping to tackle in the future, and what the past week has been like. If you want to ask a question make sure you put them in the special request posts I post in the patron feed.

Thanks friends.



Patron Q&A #1 - Launch Week, Collaborations & Future Projects

Here's the first patron-only Q&A for Noclip. In this edition I talk about the idea behind Noclip, projects I'm hoping to tackle in the future, and what the past week has been like. If you want to ask a question make sure you put them in the special request posts I post in the patron feed.


Josh in Tampa

Awesome Danny. So happy to be a supporter. I've been a fan for years. You bring a great energy and perspective to everything you do. Keep it up man!


May this be the first of many 👍🏼

Jonathan London

Awesome! So happy for you. We need more of you in the games media! (not literal clones of course)


Great Danny, looking forward to more.

Writing on Games

This is the first Patreon I've ever supported and I'm so happy to be able to do that. So excited for this.


Take all the time you need! :-) Also, that Brazil thing sounds very interesting. THIS IS GOING TO BE SO GOOD!


The schedule is actually a lot faster than I was expecting. I was initially thinking I'd be waiting like 4-6 months to see the first doc. Glad the funding has helped get you on a quicker schedule already. But as KP says above, take all the time you need. I won't complain. So excited for this!


Honestly the goal is to get one up every month. This first batch is certainly the hardest to start because we're starting from scratch, but I'm confident we can hit our targets quick. Thanks so much for your support!


I can't speak for everybody but, for me, I've signed up with the full understanding that this is the very start of this thing and that it's going to take time to get up and running - like you said, "whirl up the machine" - and I'm cool with that. I think things like this Q&A, Discord chat etc are what will help people feel involved during this time so if you keep that going, I think you'll be fine.


Thanks so much. That certainly eases some pressure. I just want to make sure people are satisfied, while growing the project in the most sustainable way possible. I'm in this for the long term. But hopefully we'll get some great stuff shot sooner than later.

Ben Ward

Dude, this is the best attitude to a Patreon that I think I've seen. Happy to be supporting you on your adventure, and I'm sure the docs will be great!


I am so happy that there are enough people, who are interested in this type of content. Also, like you said, since you are not dependent on "views", it can be more in depth, which is something that I`m really interested in.


Really loving this and if you're concerned about keeping us entertained short 5-10 minute vlogs about what is going on and your schedule would be really cool. I know there's a line to tow between surprising us and giving us the all access treatment but the nature of this seems so giving to the "making of" doc behind the docs.


Great job Danny! Is there any way we can get these Q&A as a podcast? It sounds perfect for my commute. Also, can't wait for the first project!




It's hard to limit access to podcasts is the only issue I can think of now. Anyone know of a way of putting an RSS behind some sort of security?


Yea good call. I've been recording a bunch of other stuff on my smaller camera. Gonna try push some more of that out to you guys next week.


Hey Danny. I was just wondering is there a chance you'll consider collaborating with your old UK colleagues again? Of course that depends on them as well. Aaron.

Liam Brown

Regarding the most important thing that's happened to you this month... commiserations on not winning the PAX Rumble. At least this whole Patreon thing worked out. (I have full confidence in you and will not be badgering you in 2 weeks about the whereabouts of your first doc, all the best!)


If I'm shooting in the UK (which I imagine I will be at some stage) my first call will be to Cam & Seb's production company Double Jump.


Controller 2 was broken. Austin found that out the hard way BUT I GUESS MY RISE TO THE TOP WASN'T IN THE SCRIPT *cough* sorry.....it's a sore wound mate.


I have been a long time fan and it's your attention to detail and desire for quality that made this a really easy goal to support. I'm really surprised at how prepared and planned this seems. I expected you would need a few months (which I would have gladly waited) but I'm excited that you have things in motion! Can't wait for the next step. P.s. can you work in the "tournament of lies" too?

Justin Dotson

The Brazil the thing would be a neat thing to see. I've always been curious about how they get around the high "Brazil cost" thing.

Justin Dotson

Also what's with the mail tub in the background?


Yea we're gonna record a new episode next week. Honestly I want to turn that into a live show, but we'll see! :)


Old posters I don't have space for here. Nothing very exciting. The boxes beside it is all my GameSpot stuff!


The more I hear you speak, the more I am confident that noclip is going to revolutionize gaming media. Im pushing 30 and I really like the idea of a more nuanced and mature discussion about my hobby for the past 25 years! Good on you Danny! Take your time and make great content!


okay i have some juicy ones for you Danny. 1. Would you ever consider doing a feature length documentary? 2. if you could sit down and talk to anyone for the gaming industry for 2 hours in private and they would answer ANYTHING you asked who would it be?. 3 how did you pitch this idea to the missus? "hi honey i am quitting my steady job to take a big punt on something. cool? okay! 4. is there any way we can get more involved and help with this project. other than donating and chatting in discord? as i said to you a few months back i would really love to help.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-02 21:54:16 おねショタでショタはされるがままってのは好きですが、ショタが多い時はショタ主導になると興奮します。
2016-09-17 04:15:29 I have a question. If this things blows up (like it should), do you see a way to maybe hire other directors that want to tell like stories but from a different perspective? Or maybe if you wanted to take a vacation letting someone film a doc for you?

I have a question. If this things blows up (like it should), do you see a way to maybe hire other directors that want to tell like stories but from a different perspective? Or maybe if you wanted to take a vacation letting someone film a doc for you?


Being able to hear you expand on your vision has me pretty excited. I'm not only excited about the possible subjects but also the possibilities of different styles of docs

Tohir Tillyaev

Listen, it's really awesome to see you shine and being excited about this project. I'm looking forward to seeing your first video. Also wanted to comment and say - don't stretch yourself too thin. I think for all of us it is also important that you'd have your own live in the meantime and you're not a slave to your own promises. So focus on what's important and don't worry about keeping is occupied. You don't have to produce something every day to keep us engaged :) Finally - let us help you as well in other ways. Like I live in tri-state area and will be more than happy to assist with logistics here in NY or CT to help you get I don't know - someone to drive you guys around, or a couch to crash on while you're trying to invest more into video itself vs your travel/lodging. Really happy to be part of this project! Thank you for betting on it and committing the way you did. Let's make it happen, together!

Thomas Kaspersen

Best of luck. Will be backing you all the way.


When we think about what it is we are part of, a new way of sustainably viewing games content and we are actually contributing to it, how fucking awesome is that!?


Best of luck on your new adventure Danny! I've been following your work at "GameSpot" which has always been superb. Honestly "GameSpot's" quality of produced content already has taken a huge dip after you left. Keep up the good work of doing some actual journalism (unlike major publications, gaming channels)!

Thomas Kaspersen

Well said. The power lies in our hands. And as Danny said; content by gamers for gamers.


Don't know if this is the right forum to ask a question, but I really liked the Secret Code videos you did on unknown/indie games. It was a shame to only see 4 of them, and when you did the first 24 game marathon I asked then if you would consider more, which you said you would. Given that was years ago at this point and things have changed so much, do you have any plans as part of noclip to do a feature on totally unknown indie games (Enviro-Bear 2000 comes to mind!) ?

Eric S

great point I've been a gamer for over 20 years and this is right up my alley. I'm really excited to see ur first project. also if this lasts it would be great to have a best of documentaries on blu ray etc down the road when you have a nice vault full of documentaries,