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YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG4vg-WyjNw

Patrons - we have reached the end of our Hades series!

After two and a half years of following the exploits of our friends at Supergiant Games, and covering the launch, and launch, and launch of Hades - we have finally reached 1.0

In our final episode of Hades: Developing Hell we cover everything from release up until about a week ago. How launch went, the reception it received from both fans and the press, and what the future looks like for Supergiant Games.

And now for some thanks ...

I want to extend a massive thanks to Jeremy Jayne who did so much work to both produce and film this series over the past three years. You have to remember when this whole thing started I was still living in Maryland so it wouldn't have been possible without him.
To Supergiant Games for inviting us into their lives these past three years and allowing us the freedom to tell the story we wanted to tell.
And of course, all of you for funding this. When we embarked on the journey I knew it was a big financial test for us. Committing to such a long project with tonnes of post-production work to be done wouldn't have been possible had it not been for the stability of your funding so thank you so much for allowing us to pursue it.

2021 is about to kick off here on Noclip. We've got a whole new Patreon coming at the end of this month including a tier reshuffle, new shows, a rebrand and more - so keep your eyes open for that. This month will have a bunch of videos including an episode of Edit Club later this week followed by a feature on the design of Bugsnax soon after. I'm currently working away on Black Mesa, Dishonored and Prey - along with a handful of secret other projects from 2020 games. So loads to look forward to.

But for now, please enjoy the episode and let us know what you think.



Inside Supergiant Games During the Overwhelming Reaction to Hades 1.0

SUBSCRIBE for More Free Game Docs ► http://bit.ly/noclipsubscribe Become a PATRON to unlock more videos ► https://www.patreon.com/noclip In our final episode we cover the 1.0 launch of Hades and everything that happened in the months following the games release. Noclip's work is 100% crowdfunded. Consider becoming a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/noclip Website: https://www.noclip.video Store: https://store.noclip.video Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noclipvideo/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/noclipvideo Twitch: https://twitch.tv/noclip Location Produced & Filmed by Jeremy Jayne Additional Studio Footage by John-Paul Gabler Series Produced & Edited by Danny O'Dwyer Captions by Megan Carnes (coming soon) 0:00 - Previously On... 0:55 - Launch Day 14:29 - The Day After Launch 19:00 - Reviews 20:14 - Launch Party 23:31 - Game Awards Nominations 30:11 - The Other Side of Ship 35:49 - The Game Awards 39:28 - Making Sense of It 45:38 - Looking Back, Glancing Ahead 51:47 - Credits



Been waiting for this one!!

Xin Bin

So good. This has surpassed the FF 14 redemption arc as my new favorite from Noclip.

Pocket Vinyl

Yes! I've been waiting for this one along with Samir! I watched and followed all the Hades episodes, but didn't get the game until December, and I've been playing it non-stop since. It was all the more fun knowing everything that went into it from this video series.

Max Goldstein

Great to see this series finished! And yeah, I don't the job of figuring out how to top that amazing game.


If all you'd ever done was make this series, it would have been worth every penny of my support over the years. Can only imagine the nightmare of editing this episode. I'm one of the people who waited until 1.0 to pick up the game itself, and it was also more than worth the wait.

Nikos Steiakakis

Already gave my congratulations on your work on twitter, but I have to say it again! The documetary is absolutely brilliant! Through the unlucky twist of fate that a pandemic hit the world, regarding the hades docs, it made it even more emotional, more human and made us all really connect with the team. Awesome work Danny and Jeremy!! You should both be proud!


NoClip always does exceptional work, but for whatever reason, this project has really stuck with me over the years. Ive become very attached to the SuperGiant team as if they were characters on a long form tv series and the thought of this journey coming to an end actually makes me quite sad, similar to when you approach that final episode of a great show you've been following for years. Of course Im a nerd for dev diaries in general, but the value of being granted a window of access into the process that these talented individuals undertook in order to bring their vision to life is invaluable and cannot be understated. I truly believe the more exposure more people have to content like this, the more likely it will be that the online rhetoric regarding the trials of game development, such as delays, exclusivity deals, crunch etc. will ameliorate significantly. I really wish the team at SuperGiant all the best moving forward, whether that's under the gaze of NoClip or not. Much love to all.


What a strange journey this doc took, from the stealth launch, to making an early access game, to the pandemic, to releasing one of the best games of 2020. What a thrill.


I've been watching your channel for a long time now, This series has been so good that I decided to become a Patreon. I can't wait to see what's next!


I've also been following Noclip for a long time(2 years or so?). After this final episode, I finally decided to become a Patreon. Continue the wonderful work! It's truly precious to me because I re-caught up with video games a bit late(3 yrs-ish ago when I was 21), and seeing all your videos give me come culture about things I have missed/haven't played when I was a teenager. I am so thankful for these documentaries! Hopefully someday, whenever I'll be out of 3D school and be in a game development team, we will cross paths! Sending you lots of love from Montreal.


Loved the Horizon and FFXIV documentaries, but with this one I finally decided to join the Patreon group too! That really was fantastic, thank you so much. This is also gonna be really interesting as time goes on for the way it captured game development during the pandemic.

Kevin O'Neil

Man hard to believe its actually done. What an incredible journey this was!


This serie was incredible. The reason I pledged here. I grew up with commercial documentaries on game making and there was never this human approach to any of them so this is INCREDIBLY refreshing and nice. Thank you all.